Java streams lazy vs fusion vs short-circuiting(Java流惰性vs融合vs短路)
我正在尝试对 Java 流 API 中惰性求值的应用形成简洁一致的理解.
I'm trying to form a cocise and conherent understanding of the application of lazy evaluation within the Java streams API.
- 元素仅在需要时被消耗,即流是惰性的,中间操作是惰性的,例如过滤器,仅在需要时过滤.
- 中间操作可以融合在一起(如果它们是无状态的).
- 短路操作不需要处理整个流.
我想做的是将所有这些想法整合在一起,并确保我没有歪曲任何内容.我觉得这很棘手,因为每当我阅读任何关于 Java 流的文献时,它都会继续说它们是惰性的或使用惰性求值,然后非常交替地开始谈论诸如融合和短路之类的优化.
What I want to do is bring all these ideas together and ensure I'm not misrepresenting anything. I'm finding it tricky because whenever I read any literature on Java streams, it goes on to say they're lazy or utilise lazy evaluation, and then very much interchangeably starts talking about optimisations such as fusion and short-circuiting.
fusion 是在流 API 中实现惰性求值的方式——即消耗一个元素,并且尽可能将操作融合在一起.我在想,如果不存在融合,那么我们肯定会回到热切评估,因为替代方案只是在进行下一个中间操作之前处理每个中间操作的所有元素?
fusion is how lazy evaluation has been implemented in the stream API - i.e. an element is consumed, and operations are fused together wherever possible. I'm thinking that if fusion didn't exist then surely we'd be back to eager evaluation as the alternative would just be to process all elements for each intermediate operation before moving onto the next?
short-circuiting is possible without fusion or lazy evaluation but is very much helped in the context of streams by these the implementation of these two principles?
I'd appreciate any further insight and clarity on this.
至于融合.让我们想象一下这是一个 map
As for fusion. Let's imagine here's a map
.map(x -> x.squash())
It's stateless and it just transforms any input according to the specified algorithm (in our case squashes them). Now the filter operation:
.filter(x -> x.getColor() != YELLOW)
It's also stateless and it just removes some elements (in our case yellow ones). Now let's have a terminal operation:
It just displays the input elements to the terminal. The fusion means that all intermediate stateless operations are merged with terminal consumer into single operation:
.map(x -> x.squash())
.filter(x -> x.getColor() != YELLOW)
The whole pipeline is fused into single Consumer
which is connected directly to the source. When every single element is processed, the source spliterator just executes the combined consumer, the stream pipeline does not intercept anything and does not perform any additional bookkeeping. That's fusion. Fusion does not depend on short-circuiting. It's possible to implement streams without fusion (execute one operation, take the result, execute the next operation, taking the control after each operation back to the stream engine). It's also possible to have fusion without short-circuiting.

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