Java RESTful Jersey 示例?

Java RESTful Jersey Examples?(Java RESTful Jersey 示例?)

本文介绍了Java RESTful Jersey 示例?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否有任何示例演示使用 Java 和 Jersey 来执行 Client<->Server 通信?比如互相发送 XML 数据?

Are there any examples that demonstrate using Java and Jersey to perform Client<->Server communication? Such as sending XML data to and from each other?


我建议 Lars Vogel 的这个教程

这是开始使用 Tomcat 和 Jersey 探索 Java Restful 的好地方.顺便说一句,并非所有事情都是共同的——你应该尝试自己做一些工作.

It's great place to start with exploring Java Restful, with the use of Tomcat and Jersey. With small remark that not everything there is cohirant- you should try to do some of the work yourself.

此外,我自己在使用它时遇到了麻烦,但我发现这个 Vogel 教程的很好的扩展.

Furthermore I had trouble myself working with it, but I found this great extension to the Vogel's tutorial.

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