
Stream and lazy evaluation(流式评估和惰性评估)



我正在阅读 java 8 API 关于流抽象但是这句话我不是很懂:

I'm reading from the java 8 API on the stream abstraction but I don't understand this sentence very well:

中间操作返回一个新流.他们总是很懒惰;执行诸如 filter() 之类的中间操作实际上并不执行任何过滤,而是创建一个新流,当遍历,包含初始流中匹配的元素给定谓词.管道源的遍历直到执行管道的终端操作.

Intermediate operations return a new stream. They are always lazy; executing an intermediate operation such as filter() does not actually perform any filtering, but instead creates a new stream that, when traversed, contains the elements of the initial stream that match the given predicate. Traversal of the pipeline source does not begin until the terminal operation of the pipeline is executed.


When a filter operation creates a new stream does that stream contain a filtered element? It seems to understand that the stream contains elements only when it is traversed i.e with a terminal operation. But, then, what does the filtered stream contain? I'm confused!!!



It means that the filter is only applied during the terminal operation. Think of something like this:

public Stream filter(Predicate p) {
    this.filter = p; // just store it, don't apply it yet
    return this; // in reality: return a new stream
public List collect() {
    for (Object o : stream) {
        if (filter.test(o)) list.add(o);
    return list;


(That does not compile and is a simplification of the reality but the principle is there)


