是否可以从另一个调用一个 jax-rs 方法?

is it possible to call one jax-rs method from another?(是否可以从另一个调用一个 jax-rs 方法?)

本文介绍了是否可以从另一个调用一个 jax-rs 方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


suppose i have some jax-rs resource class:

public class ResourceA {
   public Something get(@Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
      if (...) {
         //how to get to ResourceB ?

and i want to conditionally redirect the call to some other jax-rs resource:

public class ResourceB {
   public Other get(@PathParam("identifier")String someArg) {

how do i do this? note that i dont want this to be visible to the client (so no http redirects) and generally the resource methods i want to redirect to dont share the same signature (they may have path params etc as in the example i gave).

im running jersey 2.6 under apache tomcat (its a spring app, if thats any help)

EDIT - im looking for a jax-rs equivalent of servlet forward. i dont want to do an extra http hop or worry abour instantiating resource classes myself


You can get it using ResourceContext as follows:

ResourceContext resourceContext;

This will inject the ResourceContext into your Resource. You then get the resource you want using:

ResourceB b = resourceContext.getResource(ResourceB.class);

The Javadoc for ResourceContext is here. You can find a similar question here

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本文标题为:是否可以从另一个调用一个 jax-rs 方法?
