
DataSet class in Java?(Java中的数据集类?)



Does anyone know if there is a DataSet class in Java like there is in .Net? I am familiar with EJB3 and the "java way" of doing data. However, I really still miss the seamless integration between database queries, xml and objects provided by the DataSet class. Has anyone found a Java implementation of DataSet (including DataTable, DataRow, etc)?

Edit: Also if anyone has tutorials for the java flavor of DataSet, please share a link.


Have you looked at javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet?

From the Javadocs:

The WebRowSetImpl provides the standard reference implementation, which may be extended if required.

The standard WebRowSet XML Schema definition is available at the following URI:

It describes the standard XML document format required when describing a RowSet object in XML and must be used be all standard implementations of the WebRowSet interface to ensure interoperability. In addition, the WebRowSet schema uses specific SQL/XML Schema annotations, thus ensuring greater cross platform inter-operability. This is an effort currently under way at the ISO organization. The SQL/XML definition is available at the following URI:


