Eclipse + GWT ->开发模式内存不足

Eclipse + GWT -gt; Out of memory in development mode(Eclipse + GWT -开发模式内存不足)

本文介绍了Eclipse + GWT ->开发模式内存不足的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如果我在 Eclipse 中以开发模式运行我的 GWT 应用程序并在浏览器中单击一段时间,我总是在 Eclipse 中收到内存不足"错误.我的电脑有 16 GB 内存,从来没有超过 8 GB.

If I run my GWT application in eclipse in development mode and click around in the browser for some time, I always get an "out of memory" error in eclipse. My computer has 16 GB Ram, and there is never used more than 8GB.

我尝试了几个配置参数.我的运行配置中的 VM 参数包含以下参数:-Xms8192m -Xmx8192m"

I tried several config parameters. The VM-arguments in my Run configuration contain these parameters: "-Xms8192m -Xmx8192m"

即使在 eclipse.ini 中我也测试了几个配置参数,现在看起来像这样:

Even in the eclipse.ini I tested several config parameters and now it looks like this:



But I still get the error. Is there any way to prevent this?


如果浏览器应用程序抛出 OutOfMemoryError,那么您不需要更改 Eclipse 设置(eclipse.ini),这仅适用于 Eclipse 本身(更多内存,通常更快的工作台).

If the browser application is throwing the OutOfMemoryError, then you don't need to change the Eclipse settings (eclipse.ini), that's only for Eclipse itself (more memory, usually faster workbench).

要增加应用程序的内存(任何从 Eclipse 启动的 Java 应用程序),请转到运行菜单中的 Run/Debug 配置... 并设置 VM 参数在应用程序运行配置的 Arguments 选项卡上:

To increase an app's memory (any Java app launched from Eclipse), go to the Run/Debug configurations... in the Run menu and set the VM arguments on the Arguments tab of the app's run config:

-Xms128M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

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