PortletURL 在弹出窗口中打开另一个 portlet

PortletURL to open another portlet in pop-up(PortletURL 在弹出窗口中打开另一个 portlet)

本文介绍了PortletURL 在弹出窗口中打开另一个 portlet的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 create_account.jsp 的钩子.在这个jsp中,我有一个javascript代码,我尝试在iframe弹出窗口或Liferay的一些弹出窗口中打开一个portlet.

I have a hook for create_account.jsp. In this jsp I have a javascript code where I try to open a portlet in an iframe pop-up or some pop-up from Liferay.

如何给出portlet URL?
在那个 portlet 中,我只想问一个是或否的问题,并根据用户的回答,重定向到其他页面.

The question is:
How to give the portlet URL?
How can I access it?
In that portlet I only want to ask a question with YES or NO, and based on the user answer, redirect to some other page.


  1. 要创建 URL,您可以使用 <portlet:renderURL><liferay-portlet:renderURL>

    windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>">
    <liferay-portlet:param name="paramToPopup" value="customParameterToThePortlet" />

portletName="testPopup_WAR_testPopupportlet" 这是您要打开的 portlet 的 portletId.

portletName="testPopup_WAR_testPopupportlet" this is the portletId of the portlet which you want to open.

windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>" 仅在弹出窗口中显示 portlet 很重要,或者否则它将打开带有导航和所有功能的完整 Liferay 页面.

windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString() %>" This is important to just show the portlet in the pop-up, or else it would open the full liferay pages with navigation and all.

您可以在 JSP 中编写的 javascript 使用上述 URL 并在其中打开弹出窗口和 portlet:

The javascript which you can write in your JSP to use the above URL and open the popup and the portlet within:

// this is one of creating function
function <portlet:namespace />showPopup(url) {

    var url = url;

    // this is one way of calling a pop-up in liferay
    // this way is specific to liferay
                dialog: {
                    cache: false,
                    modal: true
                id: 'testPopupIdUnique',                
                uri: url

// this is another way of creating a function in liferay
        '<portlet:namespace />showAUIPopUP',
        function(url) {
            var A = AUI();

            // this is another way of calling a iframe pop-up
            // this way is not specific to liferay
            popupDialog = new A.Dialog(
                    id: 'testPopupIdUnique',
                    centered: true,
                    draggable: true,
                    resizable: true,
                    width: 800,
                    stack: true
                    uri: url,
                    iframeCssClass: 'ogilvy-dialog-iframe'


  • 您可以像这样简单地调用这些 javascript 函数:

  • You can simply call these javascript functions something like this:

    <a href="javascript: <portlet:namespace />showPopup('<%=testPopupURL%>')">
        Popup using Liferay open-window
    <a href="javascript: <portlet:namespace />showAUIPopUP('<%=testPopupURL%>')">
        Pop-up using Alloy UI dialog

  • 将在弹出窗口的 iframe 内显示的 portlet 应该具有 <add-default-resource>true</add-default-resource>liferay-portlet.xml 中为:

  • The portlet which would be displayed inside the iframe of the pop-up either should have <add-default-resource>true</add-default-resource> in liferay-portlet.xml as:

        <!-- This property is necessary otherwise you would see a "Access denied for portlet" message when you try to open this portlet dynamically -->

  • 或者应该在portal-ext.properties中有属性portlet.add.default.resource.check.whitelist为:


  • 要查看此代码的实际运行情况,您可以从 下载 2 个 portlet 并参考其中的说明这个liferay论坛.

    To check out this code in action you can download 2 portlets from and refer to the instructions in this liferay forum.

    希望这有助于更好地理解 liferay.

    Hope this helps in understanding liferay better.

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    本文标题为:PortletURL 在弹出窗口中打开另一个 portlet
