Change background color of UI elements in eclipse IDE(在 Eclipse IDE 中更改 UI 元素的背景颜色)
我在 Fedora linux 上使用 Eclipse 3.5 IDE.太多的白色或浅灰色对我的眼睛有害.我设法将编辑器和控制台窗口的背景更改为黑色,但没有别的,所以我仍然看到 30% 到 40% 的空间不是黑色的.如何更改包资源管理器的背景颜色?
I am using Eclipse 3.5 IDE on Fedora linux. Too much white or light gray color is hurtful to my eyes. I managed to change the background of editor and console window to black but nothing else so I am still seeing 30 to 40% space as not black. How do I change the background color of package explorer?
如果不可能,那么如何在某处侵入 eclipse 源代码或配置文件来做到这一点,并将所有 UI 面板颜色从当前的浅灰色更改为黑色,将文本从黑色更改为其他颜色?
If not possible then how to hack into eclipse source code or config files somewhere to do that and also to change all UI panels color to black from the current light grey and text to some other color from black?
Eclipse 的大部分外观都是由 GTK+ 主题控制的.您可以编辑当前主题或尝试不同的主题.例如,Nokoka-Midnight"主题几乎完全是黑色的.我喜欢一个叫做 gtk-chtheme 的程序来切换它们.
Much of the appearance of Eclipse is controlled by the GTK+ theme. You can edit the current theme or try different themes out. The "Nokoka-Midnight" theme, for instance, is almost entirely black. I like a program called gtk-chtheme to switch them.
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本文标题为:在 Eclipse IDE 中更改 UI 元素的背景颜色

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