如何在 Eclipse 中使用库进行算法第一部分 Coursera 课程

How to use libraries for Algorithms part I Coursera course in Eclipse(如何在 Eclipse 中使用库进行算法第一部分 Coursera 课程)

本文介绍了如何在 Eclipse 中使用库进行算法第一部分 Coursera 课程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经开始 Coursera )

问.如果我使用命名包来构造我的代码,编译器将无法再访问 stdlib.jar 或 algs4.jar 中的库.为什么不呢?

A.stdlib.jar 和 algs4.jar 中的库位于默认"包中.在 Java 中,您不能从命名包访问默认包中的类.如果您需要将我们的库与命名包一起使用,您可以使用以下包版本:stdlib-package.jar 和 algs4-package.jar.

警告:如果您正在学习 Princeton COS 226 或 Coursera, Algorithms, Part I 或 II,您必须使用我们图书馆的默认软件包版本以方便评分.


I've started Coursera Algorythms course. Practice assignments must be done on Java and they suggest using DrJava as IDE, but it's really unconvenient. So I'd like to use Eclipse, but the problem is that I couldn't use 2 libraries(algs4.jar and stdlib.jar), which are provided for this course. After doing steps from this guide I was able to include them in my project:

but when I try to use their classes in my project, Eclipse doesn't allow to do it, and I couldn't import them by Ctrl + Space:

And even when I am trying directly import class like import stdlib.StdRandom; it still doesn't work.

What can I do to make it work properly?


Why don't you use these two JARs—— stdlib-package.jar and algs4-package.jar.

And below the code page(http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/code/)

Q. If I use a named package to structure my code, the compiler can no longer access the libraries in stdlib.jar or algs4.jar. Why not?

A. The libraries in stdlib.jar and algs4.jar are in the "default" package. In Java, you can't access classes in the default package from a named package. If you need to use our libraries with a named package, you can use these package versions: stdlib-package.jar and algs4-package.jar.

Warning: if you are taking Princeton COS 226 or Coursera, Algorithms, Part I or II, you must use the default package verison of our libraries to facilitate grading.

Showing my test success:

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本文标题为:如何在 Eclipse 中使用库进行算法第一部分 Coursera 课程
