如何为我的 Android 应用创建测试版?

How to create a Beta for my Android app?(如何为我的 Android 应用创建测试版?)

本文介绍了如何为我的 Android 应用创建测试版?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何从 Eclipse 打包/导出我的应用程序以供使用?除了安卓市场,我在哪里可以上传它?我已经完成了所有的编程,但不知道下一步该做什么.

How do I package/export my app from eclipse for consumption? Where can I upload it other than android marketplace? I've done all the programming but have no idea what to do next.



Depends on if you are going to hold a private or a public beta. First things first though.

在eclipse中需要一个签名的.apk,点击File->Export,然后打开Android文件夹,点击Export Android Application"

You need a signed .apk in eclipse, click File->Export and then open the Android Folder and click "Export Android Application"

它将引导您完成对 .apk 的签名.如果您打算进行私人测试,您可以使用与您计划用于 android 市场的密钥不同的密钥.

It will walk you through signing your .apk. If you are going to do a private beta you could use a different key than the one you plan on using for the android market if you wanted.

如果您持有私人测试版,您可以将 .apk 放在保管箱或其他类似服务上,然后将链接发送给您的测试版测试人员.您需要确保他们已在设置中选中未知来源".

If you are holding a private beta you can put the .apk out on dropbox or another service like that and send your beta testers the link. You will want to make sure they have checked "Unkown sources" in there settings.


If you are holding a public beta you can publish it to the market and just let everybody know it is in beta.

我已经做到了这两种方式...公开测试版可能会阻止某些用户下载该应用程序,但您会在市场上确立自己的地位.另一方面,您可能会受到收视率的影响.这取决于您的应用程序是否真的准备好进行 Beta 测试或处于更多 Alpha 阶段.

I have done it both ways... Having a public beta may discourage certain users from downloading the app but you will establish your place in the market. On the flip side you could be affected by ratings. It will depends on if your app is really ready for beta or is in more of an alpha stage.


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本文标题为:如何为我的 Android 应用创建测试版?
