如果我在 OnTouchListener 中返回 false,实际会发生什么?

What actually happens if I return false in a OnTouchListener?(如果我在 OnTouchListener 中返回 false,实际会发生什么?)

本文介绍了如果我在 OnTouchListener 中返回 false,实际会发生什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在创建一个需要 SurfaceView 来实现 OnTouchListener 的游戏.在游戏过程中,我想暂停监听器一段时间.我尝试从 onTouch() 方法返回 false,但该方法仍然继续执行.有没有其他方法可以让监听器暂停有时?任何人请解释从 onTouch() 返回 false 的实际含义?

I am creating a game that requires a SurfaceView to implement OnTouchListener. During the game I want to pause the Listener for some specific time.I tried returning false from the onTouch() method , but still the method keeps executing.Is there any other way to have the listener paused for sometime? And anyone please explain what returning false from onTouch() actually mean?



True if the listener has consumed the event, false otherwise.

如果你返回 true,你告诉 android 新闻已经处理好了.忘了它.

If you return true you tell android that the press is taken care of. Forget it.

如果您返回 false,您基本上是在说不是我的问题,其他人将不得不处理此点击".然后 android 会将事件传递给其他视图,这些视图可能在您的视图之下.

If you return false you basically say "Not my problem, Someone else will have to take care of this click". Then android will pass the event down to other views, which could be under your view.

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本文标题为:如果我在 OnTouchListener 中返回 false,实际会发生什么?
