Apache Camel 到底是什么?

What exactly is Apache Camel?(Apache Camel 到底是什么?)

本文介绍了Apache Camel 到底是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不明白 Camel 到底是做什么的.

I don't understand what exactly Camel does.

如果你能用 101 个字来介绍一下 Camel:

If you could give in 101 words an introduction to Camel:

  • 究竟是什么?
  • 它如何与用 Java 编写的应用程序交互?
  • 它是与服务器一起使用的吗?
  • 它是一个独立的程序吗?



如果你有 5 到 10 分钟,我一般建议大家阅读这篇 与 Apache Camel 的集成 作者:Jonathan Anstey.这是一篇写得很好的文章,简要介绍和概述了 Camel 的一些概念,并通过代码示例实现了一个用例.乔纳森在其中写道:

If you have 5 to 10 minutes, I generally recommend people to read this Integration with Apache Camel by Jonathan Anstey. It's a well written piece which gives a brief introduction to and overview of some of Camel's concepts, and it implements a use case with code samples. In it, Jonathan writes:

Apache Camel 是一个开源 Java 框架,专注于让开发人员更容易和更容易地进行集成.它通过提供:

Apache Camel is an open source Java framework that focuses on making integration easier and more accessible to developers. It does this by providing:

  • 所有广泛使用的企业集成模式 (EIP) 的具体实现
  • 与各种传输和 API 的连接
  • 易于使用领域特定语言 (DSL) 将 EIP 和传输连接在一起
  • concrete implementations of all the widely used Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs)
  • connectivity to a great variety of transports and APIs
  • easy to use Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to wire EIPs and transports together

Camel in Action 还有一个免费章节(Camel in Action, 2nd ed. is 这里) 在第一章介绍了 Camel.乔纳森是我和那本书的合著者.

There is also a free chapter of Camel in Action (Camel in Action, 2nd ed. is here) which introduces Camel in the first chapter. Jonathan is a co-author on that book with me.

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本文标题为:Apache Camel 到底是什么?
