How to disable the default exposure of Spring Data REST repositories?(如何禁用 Spring Data REST 存储库的默认公开?)
我有一个使用 spring-data-rest 的项目,并且有一个只使用 Spring Data 的依赖项目.两个项目都有spring数据仓库,都使用@EnableJpaRepositories
I have a project that uses spring-data-rest, and has a dependency project that only uses Spring Data. Both projects have spring data repositories and use @EnableJpaRepositories
to implement their repository interfaces, but I only want to export the repositories in the parent project.
这是我的问题:是否有某种方法可以将 Spring Data REST 配置为仅公开父项目中资源的其余端点,而不必使用 @RepositoryRestResource(exported = false) 显式注释依赖项项目中的每个存储库
Here's my question: is there some way to configure Spring Data REST to only expose rest endpoints for resources in the parent project, without having to explicitly annotate every repository in the dependency project with @RepositoryRestResource(exported = false)
如果我只能通过禁用它的 @RepositoryRestResource
来做到这一点,更糟糕的是,没有其他具有不同用例的项目能够为这些存储库启用 REST 端点,我的依赖项目将必须包含 Spring Data REST 仅用于……
If I can only do this with @RepositoryRestResource
of disabling it, and worse yet, no other project with a different use case will be able to enable REST endpoints for those repositories, my dependency project will have to include Spring Data REST solely for the…
Currently there's no global switch for what you're looking for. I've filed this ticket for you for inclusion in the next major release.
Not sure if it is an option for you but package private repository interfaces are not currently exposed unless explicitly annotated. If you can make all those library repositories package protected that might be favorable over the explicit annotation.
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本文标题为:如何禁用 Spring Data REST 存储库的默认公开?

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