通过 FCM onMessageReceived 方法从 RemoteMessage 获取值

Get value from RemoteMessage from FCM onMessageReceived method(通过 FCM onMessageReceived 方法从 RemoteMessage 获取值)

本文介绍了通过 FCM onMessageReceived 方法从 RemoteMessage 获取值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已将 gcm 迁移到 fcm 以获取推送通知消息.但是我如何从收到的 RemoteMessage 中获取捆绑数据的 onMesssageReceived 方法.

I have migrate gcm to fcm for push notification message. but how I Get bundle data from RemoteMessage received onMesssageReceived method.

Old GCM give bundle data onMessageReceiced method but in FCM there is RemoteMessage data.


So please tell me how I parse remotemessage for get all value of notification.


    "message": "Message for new task",
    "time": "6/27/2016 5:24:28 PM"
"notification": {
    "sound": "simpleSound.wav",
    "badge": "6",
    "title": "Test app",
    "icon": "myicon",
    "body": "hello 6 app",
    "notification_id" : "1140",
    "notification_type" : 1,
    "notification_message" : "TEST MESSAGE",
    "notification_title" : "APP"
"registration_ids": ["cRz9SJ-gGuo:APA91bFJPX7_d07AR7zY6m9khQro81GmSX-7iXPUaHqqcOT0xNTVsOZ4M1aPtoVloLNq71-aWrMCpIDmX4NhMeDIc08txi6Vc1mht56MItuVDdA4VWrnN2iDwCE8k69-V8eUVeK5ISer"


在 FCM 中你收到的是 RemoteMessage 而不是 Bundle.

In FCM you received RemoteMessage instead of Bundle.

以下是我在应用程序中使用的方式,其中数据是我的 RemoteMessage

Below is the way I used in my application where data is my RemoteMessage

Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData()
int questionId = Integer.parseInt(data.get("questionId").toString());
String questionTitle = data.get("questionTitle").toString();
String userDisplayName = data.get("userDisplayName").toString();
String commentText = data.get("latestComment").toString();


Below is my notification data which I am sending it from server

  "registration_ids": "",
  "data": {
    "questionId": 1,
    "userDisplayName": "Test",
    "questionTitle": "Test",
    "latestComment": "Test"

因此,您必须根据您的回复解析每个字段.由于我已经调试了代码,您将在 RemoteMessage 中收到地图,并将这些字段转换为适当的数据类型,因为所有这些数据都以字符串形式出现.

So you have to parse each and every field as per your response. As I have debugged the code you will receive map in your RemoteMessage and cast those fields in appropriate data types as all those data comes as string.

这篇关于通过 FCM onMessageReceived 方法从 RemoteMessage 获取值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:通过 FCM onMessageReceived 方法从 RemoteMessage 获取值
