使 Java Swing 模态对话框的行为类似于 Mac OSX 对话框

Make Java Swing Modal Dialog Behave Like Mac OSX Dialogs(使 Java Swing 模态对话框的行为类似于 Mac OSX 对话框)

本文介绍了使 Java Swing 模态对话框的行为类似于 Mac OSX 对话框的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在编写一个小型应用程序,它需要 ProgressBar 显示在框架的 TitleBar 下方,这在 Mac OSX 应用程序中很常见.我有两个问题:

1.我已经管理了定位,但我不得不硬编码父 Frame 的 TitleBar 高度.是否有一种软"方法来获取 TitleBar 的高度?


 维度 dimensionParentFrame = parent.getSize();维度 dimensionDialog = getSize();int x = parent.getX() + ((dimensionParentFrame.width - dimensionDialog.width)/2);setLocation(x, parent.getY() + 22);//TODO 硬代码警告标题高度

2.即使对话框是模态的,我仍然可以单击父框架并移动它.如何使对话框粘"到父框架?也就是说,当父 Frame 移动时,Dialog 会随之移动,就好像附加了一样.



<代码>导入 javax.swing.JFrame;导入 javax.swing.JButton;导入 java.awt.BorderLayout;导入 java.awt.EventQueue;导入 java.awt.event.ActionListener;导入 java.awt.event.ActionEvent;公共类 ModalDialogDemoFrame 扩展了 JFrame{ModalDialogDemoFrame modalDialogDemo;公共 ModalDialogDemoFrame(){modalDialogDemo = 这个;setBounds(100, 100, 400, 400);设置默认关闭操作(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);JButton buttonDialog = new JButton("打开对话框");buttonDialog.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){公共无效actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0){//创建一个以此框架为父的模态对话框.ModalDialog modalDialog = new ModalDialog(modalDialogDemo, true);modalDialog.setVisible(true);}});getContentPane().add(buttonDialog, BorderLayout.CENTER);}/*** @param 参数*/公共静态无效主要(字符串 [] 参数){EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){公共无效运行(){尝试{ModalDialogDemoFrame window = new ModalDialogDemoFrame();window.setVisible(true);}捕获(异常 e){e.printStackTrace();}}});}}导入 java.awt.Dimension;导入 javax.swing.JDialog;导入 javax.swing.JFrame;导入 javax.swing.JButton;导入 java.awt.BorderLayout;导入 java.awt.event.ActionListener;导入 java.awt.event.ActionEvent;公共类 ModalDialog 扩展了 JDialog{公共模态对话框(JFrame 父级,布尔模态){超级(父,模态);维度 dimensionParentFrame = parent.getSize();setSize(new Dimension((parent == null) ? 300 : dimensionParentFrame.width/2, 75));维度 dimensionDialog = getSize();int x = parent.getX() + ((dimensionParentFrame.width - dimensionDialog.width)/2);setLocation(x, parent.getY() + parent.getInsets().top);设置未装饰(真);设置模态(模态);setModalityType(ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL);设置默认关闭操作(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);JButton buttonClose = new JButton("关闭");buttonClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){公共无效actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){处置();}});getContentPane().add(buttonClose, BorderLayout.CENTER);}}


int titleBarHeight = frame.getInsets().top;




发布您的 SSCCE 来证明问题.

I am writing a small app that requires a ProgressBar to appear centred under the frame's TitleBar as is often seen in Mac OSX apps. I have two problems:

1. I have managed the positioning but I had to hard code the parent Frame's TitleBar height. Is there a 'soft' way to get the TitleBar's height?

In the Dialog's constructor:

 Dimension dimensionParentFrame = parent.getSize();
 Dimension dimensionDialog = getSize();
 int x = parent.getX() + ((dimensionParentFrame.width - dimensionDialog.width)/2);
 setLocation(x, parent.getY() + 22);              // TODO HARD CODE WARNING TITLE HEIGHT

2. Even though the Dialog is modal, I can still click on the parent Frame and move it. How can I make the Dialog 'stick' to the parent Frame? That is, when the parent Frame is moved the Dialog moves with it as if attached.

Any help/pointers would be much appreciated.

Here is the code:

    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.EventQueue;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

    public class ModalDialogDemoFrame extends JFrame
      ModalDialogDemoFrame modalDialogDemo;
      public ModalDialogDemoFrame() 
        modalDialogDemo = this;
        setBounds(100, 100, 400, 400);
        JButton buttonDialog = new JButton("Open Dialog");
        buttonDialog.addActionListener(new ActionListener() 
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) 
            // Create a Modal Dialog with this Frame as Parent.
            ModalDialog modalDialog = new ModalDialog(modalDialogDemo, true);
        getContentPane().add(buttonDialog, BorderLayout.CENTER);

       * @param args
      public static void main(String[] args)
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable()
          public void run()
              ModalDialogDemoFrame window = new ModalDialogDemoFrame();
            catch (Exception e)


    import java.awt.Dimension;

    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

    public class ModalDialog extends JDialog
      public ModalDialog(JFrame parent, boolean modal) 
        super(parent, modal);
        Dimension dimensionParentFrame = parent.getSize();
        setSize(new Dimension((parent == null) ? 300 : dimensionParentFrame.width / 2, 75));
        Dimension dimensionDialog = getSize();
        int x = parent.getX() + ((dimensionParentFrame.width - dimensionDialog.width)/2);
        setLocation(x, parent.getY() + parent.getInsets().top);

        JButton buttonClose = new JButton("Close");
        buttonClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener() 
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
        getContentPane().add(buttonClose, BorderLayout.CENTER);



int titleBarHeight = frame.getInsets().top;

Even though the Dialog is modal, I can still click on the parent Frame and move it.

Then you are doing something wrong because this should NOT happen.

Post your SSCCE that demonstrates the problem.

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本文标题为:使 Java Swing 模态对话框的行为类似于 Mac OSX 对话框
