struts2 不再接受http map 参数?

struts2 no longer accepts http map parameters?(struts2 不再接受http map 参数?)

本文介绍了struts2 不再接受http map 参数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 struts2 中,我利用了 struts2 中内置的 OGNL,将输入命名为 <input name='bag["item"].property'>哪个去 getters/setters getBag().get("item").setProperty(value)我已经升级到 struts 2.2.1,突然那些不再工作:getter 永远不会被调用.

In struts2, I took advantage of built-in OGNL in struts2, naming my inputs like <input name='bag["item"].property'> Which went to getters/setters getBag().get("item").setProperty(value) I've upgraded to struts 2.2.1, and suddently those no longer work: the getter never gets called.

互联网对在参数中使用 OGNL 完全保持沉默,好像从来没有人制作过复杂的表格.

The internet is utterly silent on using OGNL in parameters, as if nobody ever made complex forms.


How do I get my map-parameters back?



It turns out that they hardened restrictions on parameter names to boost security.

所以我不得不添加到我的 struts.xml:

So I had to add to my struts.xml:

       <interceptor-stack name="defaultStack">
          <interceptor-ref name="params">
             <!-- For maps to work -->
             <param name="acceptParamNames">

(我的参数名称中有s 和/s")在那之后文件上传停止工作(拦截器堆栈很疯狂),所以我也必须明确添加它.

(I had "s and /s in my parameter names) File upload ceased working after that (interceptor stacks are madness), so I had to add it explicity either.

更新:最近我强烈建议使用 JSON 来传递复杂的结构,而不是丰富的 OGNL 形式.当然你需要一些 JS.

Update: These days I strongly suggest using JSON to pass complex structures instead of rich OGNL forms. Of course you would need some JS.

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