java - 如何在java strust2中将jsp上显示的表格导出为pdf

How to export table displayed on jsp to pdf in java strust2(java - 如何在java strust2中将jsp上显示的表格导出为pdf)

本文介绍了java - 如何在java strust2中将jsp上显示的表格导出为pdf的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This is my data display in table format. I want to show as it is in PDF without using display tag library of struts2.

<table border="1" align="center" style="border-color: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1px; border-style: None; width: 1320px; border-collapse: collapse;" id="tablepaging">
            <td>Leave ID</td>
            <td>FROM DATE</td>
            <td>TO DATE</td>
            <td>DAYS REQUESTED</td>
            <td>IS PLANNED</td>
                <a href="/HRIS_Updated/cancelRequest.action;jsessionid=A2313340A50DD2DAB054714BF65AB08B?leaveId=270" id="submitinvoice;jsessionid=A2313340A50DD2DAB054714BF65AB08B_">Cancel</a>
                <a href="/HRIS_Updated/requestHistory.action;jsessionid=A2313340A50DD2DAB054714BF65AB08B?leaveId=270" id="submitinvoice;jsessionid=A2313340A50DD2DAB054714BF65AB08B_">History</a>

是否可以使用 javascript 或 jquery?

Is it be possible with javascript or jquery?

请帮我提供一些代码,我已经在 Google 上搜索了几天,但一无所获.

Please help me with some code I have googled it for a few days but get nothing.



Using display table on jsp would be quite easire to convert it to *pdf along with .csv,.excel and son on,Here is the sample code ;

<display:table id="data" name="${questions}" requestURI="" pagesize="10" export="true" >
    <display:column property="label" title="Question" sortable="true"/>
    <display:column title="Graph Analysis"> <img src="${imagePath}${reportData.clientName}/${data.label}.png"/></display:column>
    <display:setProperty name="export.pdf" value="true" />

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本文标题为:java - 如何在java strust2中将jsp上显示的表格导出为pdf
