即使坏人试图抓住它,我如何在任何 OutOfMemoryException 上使 JVM 退出

How do I make the JVM exit on ANY OutOfMemoryException even when bad people try to catch it(即使坏人试图抓住它,我如何在任何 OutOfMemoryException 上使 JVM 退出)

本文介绍了即使坏人试图抓住它,我如何在任何 OutOfMemoryException 上使 JVM 退出的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


OOME 属于通常您不应该从中恢复的错误类别.但是如果它被埋在一个线程中,或者有人抓住了它,应用程序就有可能进入一个它没有退出但没有用的状态.即使面对使用可能愚蠢地尝试捕获 Throwable 或 Error/OOME 的库,如何防止这种情况的任何建议?(即您无权直接修改源代码)

An OOME is of the class of errors which generally you shouldn't recover from. But if it is buried in a thread, or someone catches it, it is possible for an application to get in a state from which it isn't exiting, but isn't useful. Any suggestions in how to prevent this even in the face of using libraries which may foolishly try to catch Throwable or Error/OOME? (ie you don't have direct access to modify the source code)


用户 @dennie 发表了应该真的评论成为自己的答案.较新的 JVM 功能使这变得容易,特别是

User @dennie posted a comment which should really be its own answer. Newer JVM features make this easy, specifically


在 OOME 上退出,或崩溃:

to exit on OOME, or to crash:


自 Java 8u92 https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/8u92-relnotes.html

Since Java 8u92 https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/8u92-relnotes.html

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本文标题为:即使坏人试图抓住它,我如何在任何 OutOfMemoryException 上使 JVM 退出
