JVM 终止.退出代码 = -1

JVM terminated. Exit code = -1(JVM 终止.退出代码 = -1)

本文介绍了JVM 终止.退出代码 = -1的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经使用 Eclipse 有一段时间了,我没有遇到任何问题.但是,当我尝试生成一些 javadoc 时,我发现我没有安装 SDK.我安装了jdk 6u23,从此Eclipse就一直不工作了.

I've been using Eclipse for some time already, and I didn't have any problems with it. However, when I tried to generate some javadoc, I found that I didn't have the SDK installed. I installed jdk 6u23, and from then on, Eclipse hasn't been working.

起初它告诉我找不到 JRE/SDK.将JRE复制并放入Eclipse文件夹后,错误变为:

At first it told me it couldn't find a JRE/SDK. After copying and placing the JRE in the Eclipse folder, the error changed to this:

我搜索了一些解决方案,发现了一些不同性质的解决方案.但是,它们似乎都不起作用.我试过清空我的 eclipse.ini 文件但没有成功.更改 eclipse.ini 中的一些值也不起作用.安装 Java SDK 1.5 无效.

I've searched around for some solutions, and found a few of varying nature. However, none of them seemed to work. I've tried emptying my eclipse.ini file without success. Altering some values in eclipse.ini didn't work either. Installing Java SDK 1.5 didn't work.


Does anyone have other possible solutions?

更新:我尝试重新安装 Eclipse,但没有解决问题.我确实注意到它是 32 位版本,而我正在运行 64 位系统.但是,如果这是问题所在,我会觉得奇怪的是它之前没有成为问题.

Update: I tried reinstalling Eclipse, but it didn't fix the problem. I did notice that it's a 32bit version, while I'm running a 64bit system. However, if this were to be the problem, I find it strange that it hasn't been an issue earlier.

Update 2我再次重新安装了 Eclipse 和 Java,一切正常.

Update 2 I've reinstalled both Eclipse and Java once more, and everything works again.



Remove the default value "256m/256M" from the eclipse configuration file (eclipse.ini).


You will find this line just below "--launcher.XXMaxPermSize".

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本文标题为:JVM 终止.退出代码 = -1
