Selenium webdriver 可以附加到已经打开的浏览器窗口吗?

Can Selenium webdriver attach to already open browser window?(Selenium webdriver 可以附加到已经打开的浏览器窗口吗?)

本文介绍了Selenium webdriver 可以附加到已经打开的浏览器窗口吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


经过大量搜索,我相信这个功能还没有实现——但是有没有人知道我可以尝试使用 selenium1/2 为 Java 实现的任何解决方法?如果另一个进程启动了浏览器的实例,webdriver 可以连接到那个窗口吗?任何可以尝试的解决方法.任何指针都非常感谢.

After a lot of searching I believe this feature is not implemented yet- but does anyone know of any workaround implemented for Java with selenium1/2 that i can try? If a different process started the instance of the browser , can webdriver connect to that window? Any workarounds that can be tried. Any pointers is much appreciated.



不行,做不到.它是 WebDriver 的最古老的功能请求之一,它是不会很快发生.对不起!

Nope, it can't be done. It's one of the oldest feature requests for WebDriver, and it isn't going to happen any time soon. Sorry!

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本文标题为:Selenium webdriver 可以附加到已经打开的浏览器窗口吗?
