@autowired on 方法在 Spring

@autowired on method in Spring(@autowired on 方法在 Spring)

本文介绍了@autowired on 方法在 Spring的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在学习 Spring,据我了解,当我们在具有通用名称的方法(不是 setter 方法)上使用 @annotation 时,方法的参数是自动装配的.

I am learning Spring, and as far as I understand, when we use @annotation on a method which has a generic name (not a setter method), then the method's arguments are autowired.

public class MovieRecommender {

    private MovieCatalog movieCatalog;

    private CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao;

    public void prepare(MovieCatalog mC,
            CustomerPreferenceDao cPD) {
        this.movieCatalog = mC;
        this.customerPreferenceDao = cPD;

    // ...


因此,在此处,movieCatalogcustomerPreferenceDao 字段自动使用 mCcPD 的值.我不明白的是,这与没有@autowired"的相同方法有何不同.

So, here, the fields movieCatalog and customerPreferenceDao are autowired with the values of mC and cPD. What I fail to understand is how is this different from the same method without the "@autowired".

我理解 @autowired 应用于字段名称时,但无法理解值何时显式传递给方法(setter 或任何其他方法),那么 Spring 有什么特别之处?

I understand @autowired when applied to a Field name, but not able to understand when the values are explicitly being passed to the method (either a setter or any other method), then what does Spring do special?



任何用 @Autowired 注释的方法都是配置方法.字段注入完成后,在 bean 实例化时调用它.方法的参数在调用时注入到方法中.

any method annotated with @Autowired is a config method. It is called on bean instantiation after field injection is done. The arguments of the method are injected into the method on calling.

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本文标题为:@autowired on 方法在 Spring
