Is the order of values retrieved from a HashMap the insertion order(从 HashMap 中检索的值的顺序是插入顺序吗)
我正在尝试找出/可以检索 HashMap 中的值的顺序.这是相同的代码片段.
I am trying figure out the order in which the values in a HashMap are/can be retrieved. Heres the code snippet for the same.
import java.util.HashMap;
public class HashMapExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap<Integer, String> hashmap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
hashmap.put(1, "apple" );
hashmap.put(2, "lemon" );
hashmap.put(3, "orange" );
hashmap.put(4, "banana" );
hashmap.put(5, "litchi" );
hashmap.put(6, "mango" );
hashmap.put(7, "papaya" );
for (String key : hashmap.values()) {
这些值按照插入的顺序打印.这是真的吗?我期望这些值以任意顺序打印.这是使用 Java 6.
The values are printed in the order in which they have been inserted. Is this true in general? I was expecting the values to be printed in an arbitrary order. This is using Java 6.
The values are printed in the order in which they have been inserted. Is this true in general? I was expecting the values to be printed in random order.
API 没有定义迭代的顺序.
The HashMap
API does not define the order of iteration.
但是,如果您查看 HashMap 的实现,您可以推断出迭代顺序、键的哈希值、键的插入顺序和哈希表的大小之间存在复杂的瞬态关系.如果哈希表自行调整大小,这种关系就会被打乱.
However, if you look at the implementation of HashMap, you can deduce that there is a complex transient relationship between the iteration order, the keys' hash values, the order in which the keys were inserted and the size of the hashtable. This relationship gets scrambled if the hashtable resizes itself.
在您的情况下,您使用的是 Integer
In your case, you are using Integer
keys which means that the hash values of the keys are the key values themselves. Also, you inserted the entries in key order. This leads (fortuitously!) to the iteration order matching the insertion order. But if you kept inserting more keys, you would find that the iteration order "wraps around". Then as the table goes through a series of resizes, the order will get progressively more and more scrambled.
简而言之,您所看到的是哈希表实现的人工制品,而不是您可以(或应该)明智地使用的东西.尤其是因为它可能从一个 Java 版本更改为下一个.
In short, what you are seeing is an artefact of the hashtable implementation, and not something that you can (or should) sensibly make use of. Not least because it could change from one Java release to the next.
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本文标题为:从 HashMap 中检索的值的顺序是插入顺序吗

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