Android Espresso:按住按钮时进行断言

Android Espresso: Make assertion while button is kept pressed(Android Espresso:按住按钮时进行断言)

本文介绍了Android Espresso:按住按钮时进行断言的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我对 Android 上的 Espresso 很陌生,我遇到了以下问题:我希望 Espresso 在按钮上执行长按(或其他操作),并且在按住按钮的同时,我想检查不同视图的状态.

I'm quite new to Espresso on Android and I am running into the following problem: I want Espresso to perform a longclick(or something..) on a button, and while the button is kept pressed down, I want to check the state of a different View.


In (more or less) pseudocode:

onView(withId(textBox_id)).check(matches(withText("Button is pressed")));

我尝试使用 MotionEvents.sendDown() 和 .sendUp() 编写 2 个自定义 Taps,PRESS 和 RELEASE,但没有成功.如果这是正确的路径,我可以发布到目前为止的代码.

I tried writing 2 custom Taps, PRESS and RELEASE, with MotionEvents.sendDown() and .sendUp(), but did not get it to work. If this is the right path, I can post the code I've got so far.

public class PressViewActions
    public static ViewAction pressDown(){
        return new GeneralClickAction(HoldTap.DOWN, GeneralLocation.CENTER, Press.THUMB);

    public static ViewAction release() {
        return new GeneralClickAction(HoldTap.UP, GeneralLocation.CENTER, Press.THUMB);

以及 Tappers 的代码:

And the code for the Tappers:

public enum HoldTap implements Tapper {

    DOWN {
        public Tapper.Status sendTap(UiController uiController, float[] coordinates, float[] precision)

            DownResultHolder res = MotionEvents.sendDown(uiController, coordinates, precision);


            return Status.SUCCESS;

        public Tapper.Status sendTap(UiController uiController, float[] coordinates, float[] precision)
            DownResultHolder res = ResultHolder.getResult();
            UiController controller = ResultHolder.getController();

            try {
                if(!MotionEvents.sendUp(controller, res.down))
                    MotionEvents.sendCancel(controller, res.down);
                    return Status.FAILURE;

            finally {

            return Status.SUCCESS;

我得到的错误如下: Error performing 'up click' on view 'with id:'.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't click at: 281.5,1117.5 precision: 25.0, 25.0 . Tapper: UP coordinate provider: CENTER precision describer: THUMB. Tried 3 times. With Rollback? false


I hope, this helps.


Any help and ideas will be appreciated!



Android 中的点击由两个事件组成,一个向下事件和一个向上/取消事件.如果您想将这两者分开,则不能进行点击",因为它们已经包含了两者.

A tap in Android is made up of two events, a down event and a up/cancel event. If you want to have these two as separate you cannot make "taps" as they already encompass both.

也就是说,你的想法行得通,你只需要使用一个较低级别的 api,即 UiController 以及 MotionEvents 中的辅助方法.但请注意:由于释放"视图需要首先持有它,如果您不进行适当的清理,您的测试将相互依赖.

That said, your idea works, you just need to use a lower-level api, namely UiController along with the helper methods in MotionEvents. Be warned though: since "releasing" a view requires first holding on it, your tests will be dependent on each other if you don't do proper clean up.


Example: in a test you press a View, your test fails, then in another test you release on a view you didn't click: your second test would pass while it shouldn't have.

我在 我的 github 上上传了一个完整的示例.这里是关键点.首先是测试代码:

I uploaded on my github a complete sample. Here the keypoints. First the test code:

public void setUp() throws Exception {

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

public void testAssertWhilePressed() {
    onView(withId("Button is held down")));

然后是 LowLevelActions:

Then LowLevelActions:

public class LowLevelActions {
    static MotionEvent sMotionEventDownHeldView = null;

    public static PressAndHoldAction pressAndHold() {
        return new PressAndHoldAction();

    public static ReleaseAction release() {
        return new ReleaseAction();

    public static void tearDown() {
        sMotionEventDownHeldView = null;

    static class PressAndHoldAction implements ViewAction {
        public Matcher<View> getConstraints() {
            return isDisplayingAtLeast(90); // Like GeneralClickAction

        public String getDescription() {
            return "Press and hold action";

        public void perform(final UiController uiController, final View view) {
            if (sMotionEventDownHeldView != null) {
                throw new AssertionError("Only one view can be held at a time");

            float[] precision = Press.FINGER.describePrecision();
            float[] coords = GeneralLocation.CENTER.calculateCoordinates(view);
            sMotionEventDownHeldView = MotionEvents.sendDown(uiController, coords, precision).down;
            // TODO: save view information and make sure release() is on same view

    static class ReleaseAction implements ViewAction {
        public Matcher<View> getConstraints() {
            return isDisplayingAtLeast(90);  // Like GeneralClickAction

        public String getDescription() {
            return "Release action";

        public void perform(final UiController uiController, final View view) {
            if (sMotionEventDownHeldView == null) {
                throw new AssertionError("Before calling release(), you must call pressAndHold() on a view");

            float[] coords = GeneralLocation.CENTER.calculateCoordinates(view);
            MotionEvents.sendUp(uiController, sMotionEventDownHeldView, coords);

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