键盘出现时 ListActivity 中的编辑文本 ListView 失去

Edit Text in ListActivity ListView loses focus when keyboard comes up(键盘出现时 ListActivity 中的编辑文本 ListView 失去焦点)

本文介绍了键盘出现时 ListActivity 中的编辑文本 ListView 失去焦点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have searched and searched for an answer to this question and everything that looked like an answer has not worked so I guess I will just ask.

我在 ListView 中添加了几个 EditText 框,这是 ListActivity 的基础.当我将 windowSoftInputMode 设置为 adjustPan 并单击 EditText 时,它会起作用,直到您再次单击它,然后键盘将其覆盖.当我使用 adjustResize 时,它可以工作,除非当键盘出现时 EditText 失去焦点,我必须再次点击它才能输入.

I have a couple of EditText boxes added to a ListView that is the basis to a ListActivity. When I set the windowSoftInputMode to adjustPan and click in an EditText it works until you click on it again and then the keyboard covers it up. When I use adjustResize it works except when the keyboard comes up the EditText loses focus and I have to tap on it again to type.

我试图弄清楚如何捕捉 onResize 但这似乎与视图相关联,而不是活动,我不完全确定如何听它.我还尝试了 EditText 框和 ListView 本身的各种可聚焦设置(如我阅读的其他帖子中所建议的那样),这些设置似乎也无济于事.

I was trying to figure out how to catch the onResize but that seems to be associated with the View and not the activity and I'm not entirely sure how to listen for it. I have also tried all sorts of focusable settings on the EditText boxes and the ListView itself (as suggested in other posts I read) that don't seem to help either.


您真正需要做的就是将它应用到您的 ListView:

All you really need to do is apply this to your ListView:





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本文标题为:键盘出现时 ListActivity 中的编辑文本 ListView 失去
