
how to insert image to a editText(如何将图像插入editText)



我想将图像插入到 editText 我的代码是:

I want to insert a image to a editText my code is:

  CharSequence charSeq= editText.getText()+" ";
  SpannableString ss2 = new SpannableString(charSeq); 
  Drawable d2 = holder.image.getDrawable(); 
  d2.setBounds(0, 0, d2.getIntrinsicWidth(), d2.getIntrinsicHeight()); 

  ImageSpan span2 = new ImageSpan(d2, ImageSpan.ALIGN_BASELINE); 
  ss2.setSpan(span2,charSeq.length()-1, charSeq.length(),  




My code can run but i have some not bad experience i want to modify:


1: You know when use ss2.setSpan() method, the image can replace the character, i only want to insert new image, donot want to the image replace the character.

2:你知道我的方法包括editText.getText()+";",我添加了一些额外的空间,以便图像可以插入到 CharSequence 的最后.怎么不用添加一些Extra,图片也插入到CharSequence的最后.

2: you know my method include "editText.getText()+" ";", i add some Extra space, so that the image can insert to the last of the CharSequence. how to not need add add some Extra, the image also insert to the last of the CharSequence.

3.当我将图像插入到 CharSequence 的最后时,光标不在最后,它出现在 CharSequence 的前面.如何将光标放在图像的后面.

3.when i insert the image to the last of the CharSequence, the cursor not at the last, it appear in the front of the CharSequence. how to put the cursor at the behind the image.


4.i want to constantly insert the image in the different of the CharSequence,how to do?


My question so many, I want you can help me thank you very very much.


做这样的事情(注意:可以复用 SpannableStringBuilder)

Do something like this (note: you can reuse SpannableStringBuilder)

editText = (EditText)mRoot.findViewById(R.id.content);
ImageSpan imageSpan = new ImageSpan(preview);

SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();

// this is a string that will let you find a place, where the ImageSpan is.
String imgId = "[img=1]"; 

int selStart = editText.getSelectionStart();

// current selection is replaceв with imageId
builder.replace(editText.getSelectionStart(), editText.getSelectionEnd(), imgId);

// This adds a span to display image where the imageId is. If you do builder.toString() - the string will contain imageId where the imageSpan is.
// you can use it later - if you want to find location of imageSpan in text;
builder.setSpan(imageSpan, selStart, selStart + imgId.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);


Note: See follow up answer for dealing with partial deletion of tags


