EditText.getText() 是否曾经返回 null?

Does EditText.getText() ever returns null?(EditText.getText() 是否曾经返回 null?)

本文介绍了EditText.getText() 是否曾经返回 null?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在网上看到了像 edittext.getText().toString() 这样的例子.我没有看到任何空检查.在文档中,我没有看到任何声明这永远不会为空.

All over the net I see examples like edittext.getText().toString(). I do not see any null check. In docs I do not see any statement that would say that this will never be null.

不过,观察结果说明了什么;这会返回 null 吗?

Still, what does the observations say; does this ever return null?


getText() 不会返回 null.所以在下面的方法中NPE是没有机会的.如果没有字符串,getText 将返回空字符串,这绝对不是 null

getText() will not return null. So there is no chance for NPE in following method. the getText will return empty string if there is no string, which is definitely not null



However the edittext itself can be null if not initialized properly, Hence the following will trigger NPE


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本文标题为:EditText.getText() 是否曾经返回 null?
