
Need table of key codes for android and presenter(需要android和presenter的键码表)



谁能给我指出来自 getKeyCode() 的数字形式的键码列表,例如,如果我查找 72,我会看到]",如果我查找 24,我会看到vol up".

Can someone point me to the list of key codes that come from getKeyCode() in numeric form so that for example if I look up 72 I see "]" and if I look up 24 I see "vol up".

我找了一个小时,答案不是 ASCII 表.那太容易了……

I have been looking for an hour and the answer is not an ASCII table. That would be too easy...

我正在从我的鼠标演示者那里获取关键代码并试图拦截它们.有一个键可以输出 57 和 117,我无法拦截,我想在询问有关它的问题之前对其进行解码,但找不到参考.我认为 117 是班次,但我不知道 57 是什么.即使我拦截了演示者上的那个键,我也会把它带出我的应用程序.

I am getting key codes off my mouse-presenter and trying to intercept them. There is one key that puts out 57 and 117 that I cannot intercept and I wanted to decode it before asking a question about it but can't find the reference. I think 117 is shift but I don't know what 57 is. That key on the presenter takes me out of my app even if I intercept it.



按键事件 本文档将音量提高为 24.按键我正在寻找的代码是 Alt-Menu,显然它会执行而不管密钥是否被拦截.

Key Event This document lists volume up as 24. The key code I was looking for is Alt-Menu and apparently it executes regardless of having the key intercepted.


Thanks to those those who took the time to reply.


