iPhone 目标 C:如何获取 UIImageView 上触摸点的像素颜色?

iPhone Objective C: How to get a pixel#39;s color of the touched point on an UIImageView?(iPhone 目标 C:如何获取 UIImageView 上触摸点的像素颜色?)

本文介绍了iPhone 目标 C:如何获取 UIImageView 上触摸点的像素颜色?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


iPhone 目标 C:如何获取 UIImageView 上触摸点的像素颜色,即使父 UIView 或其自身正在被 旋转CGAffineTransformMakeRotation函数?

iPhone Objective C: How to get a pixel's color of the touched point on an UIImageView, even if the parent UIView or itself is being rotated by the CGAffineTransformMakeRotation function?

即使 UIView/UIImageView 正在缩放和旋转,UITouch 的视图属性是否仍能正确返回触摸点的正确像素?

Will the view property of the UITouch still correctly return the correct pixel of the touched point even if the UIView/UIImageView is being scaled and rotated?


已感谢您的回答&评论,但抱歉,我仍然不知道如何从触摸事件中获取缩放/旋转图像的 X、Y 点,然后从中提取颜色.有人愿意帮忙吗?

edited: Thanks for the answer & comments, but sorry I still don't know how to get the X,Y point of the scaled/rotated image from the touch event, and then extract the color from it. Would anyone mind to help?



A quick google search has revealed some promising leads:

  • 从 CGImage 对象获取像素数据
  • 另一个 StackOverflow 问题
  • 我的像素是什么颜色的?

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本文标题为:iPhone 目标 C:如何获取 UIImageView 上触摸点的像素颜色?
