丢失了用于签署 android apk 的私钥.应用可以发布到 Android Market 吗?

Lost the private key for signing android apk. Can app be released to Android Market?(丢失了用于签署 android apk 的私钥.应用可以发布到 Android Market 吗?)

本文介绍了丢失了用于签署 android apk 的私钥.应用可以发布到 Android Market 吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚完成了对一家公司的 Android 应用程序的一些更新,却发现他们不再拥有用于签署进入 Android 市场的原始版本的私钥.如果我理解正确,这意味着这些更改不能作为原始应用程序的更新发布.我认为最好的选择是从市场上撤下原始应用程序(它没有很多下载或评论)并重新发布使用新密钥签名的应用程序.但是,我担心 Android Market 可能不允许发布与已经发布的应用几乎相同的应用(例如,相同的名称、相同的图标、大部分相同的功能等).

I've just finished making some updates for a company's Android app, only to realize that they no longer have the private key that was used to sign the original release that went to the Android Market. If I understand correctly, this means that these changes can't be released as an update to the original app. I think the best option is to pull the original app from the market (it doesn't have many downloads or reviews) and re-release the app signed with a new key. However, I'm worried that Android Market might not allow an app to be released which is practically identical to an app that has already been released (e.g. same name, same icon, mostly the same functionality, etc.).

以前有人遇到过这种情况吗?谷歌是否允许您作为单独的应用重新发布到 Android 电子市场?

Has anyone been in this situation before? Did google allow you to re-release as a separate app to the Android Market?


您是正确的,因为您必须将其作为具有不同包名称的新应用程序发布.您必须从 Market 中提取其他应用,因为它不再可更新,您的用户将不得不重新下载该应用的新版本.

You are correct in that you will have to release this as a new application with a different package name. You will have to pull the other app from the Market as it will no longer be updateable and your users will have to redownload the new version of the app.

我看不出 Google 会有任何问题的原因,这是一些开发人员/公司在丢失签名密钥时可能会遇到的已知问题.此外,据我所知,Google 不会密切监控传入的应用,除非它们被标记.

I don't see any reason why Google would have any issues with this, it's a known issue that some developers/companies can come across when they loose their signing key. Also, as far as I know, Google doesn't closely monitor incoming apps unless they are being flagged.

我在 Market 中看到了一些应用程序,它们有 10 个版本的同一应用程序,只是为了提高知名度,我认为这是 Google 需要注意的.

I've seen some apps that have 10 versions of the same app in the Market, just so that they can have more visibility, which is something that I think Google needs to look out for.

这篇关于丢失了用于签署 android apk 的私钥.应用可以发布到 Android Market 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:丢失了用于签署 android apk 的私钥.应用可以发布到 Android Market 吗?
