测试 Android IAP/应用内购买订阅

Testing Android IAP/In-App Purchase Subscriptions(测试 Android IAP/应用内购买订阅)

本文介绍了测试 Android IAP/应用内购买订阅的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在实施几个要在 Google Play 上启动的 Android 应用程序,它们都使用 Google IAP 自动续订订阅产品类型进行订阅.

I am implementing several Android applications to be launched on Google Play and they all have subscriptions using the Google IAP auto-renewing subscription product type.


To test the app I have done the following:

  • 已将草稿二进制文件上传到 Google Play,但未发布.

  • Uploaded a draft binary to Google Play but not published it.


Created and published the Subscription product in the developer console.

将我的 Google 帐户添加到开发者控制台的测试帐户列表中

Added my Google account to the list of test accounts in the developer console

从 Eclipse 导出我的 APK(与上传到 Google Play 的包名称和版本名称/代码相同)

Exported my APK from eclipse (with the same package name and version name/code as the one uploaded to Google Play)

在我使用测试帐户登录的测试设备上安装了这个导出的 APK.

Installed this exported APK on my test device which is logged in with the test account.


I am now able to successfully test my purchase and every thing works. However, as far as I can see, this purchase is real and the subscription is actually valid for an entire month.


Is there no way to do any kind of "sandbox" testing or at least a way to prematurely cancel this subscription?


How can I test the scenario where my subscription has expired without having to wait a month?!



不适用于订阅.新的 (v3) 应用内计费 API 已发布,但目前不支持订阅.当它发生时,它可能会带来一种更简单的测试方法(尽管似乎不太可能).完成测试后,您只需在商家控制台中取消订阅/购买即可.

Not for subscriptions. The new (v3) in-app billing API has been released, but it currently does not support subscriptions. When it does, it might bring an easier way to test (seems unlikely though). You just have to cancel subscriptions/purchases in the merchant console when you are done testing.

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本文标题为:测试 Android IAP/应用内购买订阅
