Google Play 是否会向 Beta 测试人员发送更新通知?

Does Google Play send update notification to Beta Testers?(Google Play 是否会向 Beta 测试人员发送更新通知?)

本文介绍了Google Play 是否会向 Beta 测试人员发送更新通知?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经构建了一个应用程序并使用一个 URL 将 apk(正确签名)分享给了几个 beta 测试人员,不是市场.

I've built an application and shared the apk (properly signed) to a few beta testers using an URL, not the Market.

现在我的应用已准备好上市,我想知道是否会向 beta 测试人员显示更新"通知.

Now my app is ready to go to the Market and I would like to know if an "update" notification will be displayed to the beta testers.




是的,如果满足以下条件,Google Play(Android Market) 将向 Beta 测试人员发送通知

Yes, Google Play(Android Market) will send the notification to the Beta testers provided following are fulfilled

  1. 包名相同
  2. 已使用相同的证书对应用进行签名
  1. versionCode of the APK on the market is higher than the versionCode of an installed version
  2. the package name is the same
  3. same certificate has been used to sign the app

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本文标题为:Google Play 是否会向 Beta 测试人员发送更新通知?
