quot;To Doquot; list before publishing Android app to market(“待办事项在将 Android 应用程序发布到市场之前列出)
我正准备将我的第一个应用发布到 Android 市场,我想知道你们是否有任何关于发布应用的经验的建议显而易见并且已经记录在案.
I'm just about ready to publish my first app to the Android market, and I'd like to know if any of you have any tips about any experiences you may have encountered in regard to publishing an app that goes beyond the obvious and already documented.
Any hidden caveats and/or ideas about what to do before publishing an app to the market? For instance, a buddy of mine recommended that I remove any and all comments in my code just in case someone gets to the source code, thus making it more difficult for the would-be "code jacker" to decipher the code. I thought that was a sensible suggestion.
在将他们的应用发布到 Android 市场之前需要做些什么?
What are all the things to do before posting their app to the Android market?
Hope it's not too late, here is some advice:
在周末启动您的应用程序(星期四下午通常是个好时机).为什么这样?好吧,没有公司愿意在周末前 1.5 天发布应用程序 -> 太危险了(以防出现需要快速反应的问题).
Launch your app at the end of the week (Thursday afternoon is usually a good time). Why so? Well, no companies would like to publish an app only 1.5 day before the week end -> too dangerous (in case there is a problem that needs a quick reaction time).
在您的应用上使用 proguard(通常,您只需在 default.properties
Use proguard on your app (usually, you just have to add this line: proguard.config=proguard.cfg
in the default.properties
file). This will optimize, shrink and obfuscate your code, very useful for preventing from code thieves. You don't have to delete any comments, they are automatically deleted at compile time.
优化您的图像(使用 Paint.NET、PNGCrush 或 OptiPNG).
Optimize your images (using Paint.NET, PNGCrush or OptiPNG).
针对大多数屏幕尺寸优化布局.您只需在 AndroidStudio 或 Eclipse 中编辑布局时更改屏幕大小即可.
Optimize your layouts for most of screen sizes. You can do this by simply changing the screen size while editing a layout in AndroidStudio or Eclipse.
尝试/捕获 UI 上的所有异常并显示一个简单的 toast,向用户表明发生了错误.同时,使用 Crashlytics 或类似的东西检索错误.
Try/catch all exceptions on the UI and display a simple toast which indicate to the user that something wrong happened. In the meantime, retrieve the error with Crashlytics or something similar.
不要使用过多的 .jar 库,优先选择库项目(优化代码大小)并使用 gradle 添加.
Don't use too much .jar libraries, prefer library projects (optimize the code size) and add them using gradle.
更喜欢使用矢量图像,因为它会减小 APK 大小并正确适合所有设备.
Prefer using vector images since it will reduce APK size and fit correctly on all devices.
不要使用 Android 偏好设置窗口 -> 这不是很漂亮,即使它在 Android 指南中,也更喜欢制作自己的设置页面.但如果您保留 Android 偏好:请考虑添加图标和颜色.
Don't use the Android preferences windows -> that's not really beautiful, even if it's in the Android guidelines, prefer making your own settings page. But if you keep Android preferences: consider adding icons and colors.
):好的品牌不需要在上面占用太多空间要识别的屏幕(在菜单中或不总是可见的地方显示一些图标或标题),并考虑使用全屏模式(this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
) 处理游戏和沉浸式内容时.
Don't show the title of your app on the main screen (this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);
): good brands don't need to take so much space on a screen to be recognized (show some icon or title in the menu or somewhere that is not always visible), and consider using the fullscreen mode (this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
) when dealing with games and very immersive content.
使用 谷歌分析、Fabric Answers 或 Flurry未来分析 -> 尝试获取尽可能多的信息,但不要抓取任何违反客户匿名身份的内容.不要忘记检索发生在用户端的异常(错误和堆栈跟踪).
Use Google Analytics, Fabric Answers or Flurry for future analytics -> try to get as much information as possible, but don't grab anything that violates the anonymous identity of the customer. Don't forget to retrieve exceptions (errors and stack traces) that happens on the user side.
Ask your friends to do monkey tests, learning from users usually brings many good things (such as priorities and new ideas).
Consider publishing your app before having finished all features (most important feature only), you don't already know what your users will want or need besides your main feature .
Add a section "More apps", or "More from developer" in your app, that's free ads.
Add a section "Send feedback" to give the user the possibility to ask for a new feature or report some bug.
请您的用户通过在网络上的某处提供 strings.xml 来翻译您的应用,例如 Crowdin.
Ask your users to translate your app by providing the strings.xml somewhere on the web like Crowdin.
使用模拟器在每个 Android 版本上试用您的应用 -> 通过这种方式可以检测到许多错误或设计问题.为此,您可以使用提供的模拟器,或者使用 Genymotion 代替(Genymotion 有很多非常有用的功能).
Try your app on each Android version with the emulator -> many bugs or design issues will be detected this way. For this, you can use the provided emulator, or use Genymotion instead (Genymotion has a lot of very useful features).
想想应用程序的名称 -> 你会使用什么关键字来搜索你的应用程序?这些关键字应该是您的应用程序的名称(Google 将帮助您以这种方式被发现).
Think about the name of the app -> what keywords would you use to search for your app? These keywords should be the name of your app (Google will help you get discovered this way).
Consider including keywords in the app description, but in a descriptive way (make understandable sentences using your keywords). Never add a keyword list as is in the description.
成为第一个给您的应用评分 5 星的人,并要求您的家人和朋友也这样做 -> 这可能会影响未来的用户评分.
Be the first to rate your app with 5 stars, and ask your family and friends to do the same -> this will likely influence the future users ratings.
考虑使用 Google 来翻译您的应用程序的描述、strings.xml 或两者兼而有之.
Consider using Google to translate your app either for the description, either for the strings.xml or both.
Consider displaying ads in your apps and use mediation to improve your revenues AdMob.
考虑进行应用内结算,而不是提供付费版本 -> 用户更有可能在应用内付费而不是付费版本.
Instead of providing a paid version, consider doing in-app billing -> users are more likely to pay in-app rather than paying for a paid version.
在应用中添加更改日志 -> 用户通常想知道自上一个版本以来发生了什么变化.
Add a change log in the app -> users usually like to know what changed since the last version.
为帮助您的用户添加感谢"部分 -> 这将吸引用户使用您的产品.
Add a "Thanks" section for the users that helped you -> this will engage users to your product.
在您的应用中添加如果您喜欢此应用,请给它评分"链接(到您的 Google Play 描述) -> 您将获得更多 5 星(通常是启动时的弹出窗口,或功能操作后)).
Add a "If you like this app, please rate it" link (to your Google Play description) in your app -> you will get more 5 stars (usually a popup on startup, or after a feature action).
Consider explaining your product via a "Tips" or "Instructions" section in your app.
Save your keystore and credentials information somewhere safe. You won't be able to publish an update for your app if you lose your keystore.
Make your icon really simple and clear. The icon is the first and also mainly the last thing that will make the user download your app.
除非不可能,否则首选外部安装(AndroidManifest.xml 中的android:installLocation="preferExternal"
Unless it's not possible, prefer external installation (android:installLocation="preferExternal"
in the AndroidManifest.xml).
阅读 AppAnnie 提示和博客文章,它将为您提供有关如何改进 ASO 和帮助您更好地了解您的用户.
Read AppAnnie tips and blog posts, it will give you hints on how to improve ASO and help your better understand your users.
这篇关于“待办事项"在将 Android 应用程序发布到市场之前列出的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:“待办事项"在将 Android 应用程序发布到市场之前列出
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