Apple 文件系统从照片库中读取的权限

Apple File system Permission to read from Photo Library(Apple 文件系统从照片库中读取的权限)

本文介绍了Apple 文件系统从照片库中读取的权限的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 ios 应用程序中有一个 UIWebView ,它将响应式网站加载到我的 webview 中,在 中开发.网站有一个从设备照片库中选择视频的按钮和一个上传视频的按钮.

I have a UIWebView inside my ios application , which loads responsive website into my webview, developed in . Website has a button to choose video from device Photo Library and another button to upload video.

在 ios 版本 10.2 之前,它正在成功地将文件上传到服务器.Apple 在 HFS+ 文件系统之前推出了带有新文件系统 APFS 的新版本 ios 10.3.在 ios 10.3 中,它不允许我的应用程序读取视频文件,并将 0kb 大小上传到服务器.这是因为我的应用没有该文件的读取权限.

In till ios version 10.2 it is uploading files successfully to server. Apple introduce new version ios 10.3 with new file system APFS before it was HFS+ File System. In ios 10.3 it doesnot allow my application to read video file and 0kb size is uploaded to server. This is because my app doesnot have read permission for that file.

我怎样才能允许文件系统权限从我的应用程序读取文件.有什么可以添加到我的 info.plist 中

How can I allow file system permission to read file from my app.Is there is anything that can be added to my info.plist


Do anyone stuck with this kind of issue. Thanks


该问题与 UIWebView 中的一个错误有关,它使所有文件输入自动设置多个属性.

The problem is related to a bug in UIWebView which makes all file input to have the multiple attribute set automatically.

iOS 10.3 的唯一解决方案是改用 WKWebView,它不会自动添加 multiple 属性.

The only solution for iOS 10.3 is to use WKWebView instead, which does not add the multiple attribute automatically.

主要是使用 UIWebView 的旧 iOS 应用程序,我想这就是网络上没有太多与此问题相关的错误报告的原因.

It's mostly old iOS apps that use UIWebView which I guess is the reason why there are not many bug reports on the web related to this problem.

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本文标题为:Apple 文件系统从照片库中读取的权限
