
Tuple quot;upcastingquot; in Swift(元组“向上转型在斯威夫特)



如果我有一个带有 (String, Bool) 签名的元组,我不能将它转换为 (String, Any).编译器说:

If I have a tuple with signature (String, Bool) I cannot cast it to (String, Any). The compiler says:

错误:无法表达元组转换 '(String, Bool)' 到 '(String,任何)'

error: cannot express tuple conversion '(String, Bool)' to '(String, Any)'

但这应该可以工作,因为 Bool 可以使用 as 安全地转换为 Any.如果你这样做,几乎会抛出相同的错误:

But this should work since Bool can be casted safely to Any with as. Almost the same error gets thrown if you do something like that:

let any: Any = ("String", true)
any as! (String, Any) // error
any as! (String, Bool) // obviously succeeds


无法将 '(Swift.String, Swift.Bool)' 类型的值转换为'(协议<>, 协议<>)'

Could not cast value of type '(Swift.String, Swift.Bool)' to '(protocol<>, protocol<>)'

那么对于第二种情况,有什么解决方法吗?因为您甚至不能将 Any 转换为任何可以单独转换元素的元组 (Any, Any).

So is there any workaround especially for the second scenario? Because you cannot even cast Any to any tuple (Any, Any) where you could cast the elements separately.



Tuples cannot be cast, even if the types they contain can. For example:

let nums = (1, 5, 9)
let doubleNums = nums as (Double, Double, Double) //fails


let nums : (Double, Double, Double) = (1, 5, 9) //succeeds


The workaround in your case is to cast the individual element, not the Tuple itself:

let tuple = ("String", true)
let anyTuple = (tuple.0, tuple.1 as Any)
// anyTuple is (String, Any)

这是原因之一 Swift 文档 注释:

This is one of the reasons the Swift documentation notes:


Tuples are useful for temporary groups of related values. They are not suited to the creation of complex data structures. If your data structure is likely to persist beyond a temporary scope, model it as a class or structure, rather than as a tuple.

我认为这是一个实现限制,因为元组是 复合类型 类函数.同样,您不能创建元组的扩展(例如 extension (String, Bool) { ... }).

I think this is an implementation limitation because Tuples are compound types like functions. Similarly, you cannot create extensions of Tuples (e.g. extension (String, Bool) { … }).

如果您实际使用的是返回 (String, Any) 的 API,请尝试将其更改为使用类或结构.但是如果你无力改进 API,你可以在第二个元素的类型上switch:

If you're actually working with an API that returns (String, Any), try to change it to use a class or struct. But if you're powerless to improve the API, you can switch on the second element's type:

let tuple : (String, Any) = ("string", true)

switch tuple.1 {

case let x as Bool:
    print("It's a Bool")
    let boolTuple = (tuple.0, tuple.1 as! Bool)

case let x as Double:
    print("It's a Double")
    let doubleTuple = (tuple.0, tuple.1 as! Double)

case let x as NSDateFormatter:
    print("It's an NSDateFormatter")
    let dateFormatterTuple = (tuple.0, tuple.1 as! NSDateFormatter)

    print("Unsupported type")

如果 API 返回 Any 并且元组不能保证是 (String, Any),那么你就倒霉了.

If the API returns Any and the tuple isn't guaranteed to be (String, Any), you're out of luck.


