在 NSUserDefaults 中保存一个元组

Save a tuple in NSUserDefaults(在 NSUserDefaults 中保存一个元组)

本文介绍了在 NSUserDefaults 中保存一个元组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm using a tuple to store something like this.

var accessLavels: (hasInventoryAccess: Bool, hasPayrolAccess: Bool)
accessLavels = (hasInventoryAccess: true, hasPayrolAccess: false)

现在我想将它保存在 NSUserDefaults 中.

Now I want to save it in NSUserDefaults.

NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setValue(accessLavels, forKey: "AccessLevelKey")


类型(hasInventoryAccess: Bool, hasPayrolAccess: Bool)"不符合协议AnyObject"


How can I resolve this issue? If its impossible, then any other suggestions to save a tuple is welcome.



我在尝试使用 NSCoder 对元组进行编码时遇到了类似的情况.我解决它的方法是将元组手动转换为 Dictionary.这不是一个很好的解决方案,因为如果元组发生更改,则需要在多个位置更改键.

I encountered a similar scenario trying to encode a tuple with NSCoder. The way I am solving it is by manually converting the tuple to a Dictionary. This is not a great solution as the keys need to be changed in several places if the tuple ever changes.


I had a nested enum in my tuple and gave it a base type (String) from which I converted the raw value. It was a little extra work but thankfully yours is only primitives.

# SerializeableTuple.swift

typealias AccessTuple = (hasInventoryAccess: Bool, hasPayrolAccess: Bool)
typealias AccessDictionary = [String: Bool]

let InventoryKey = "hasInventoryAccess"
let PayrollKey = "hasPayrollAccess"

func serializeTuple(tuple: AccessTuple) -> AccessDictionary {
    return [
        InventoryKey : tuple.hasInventoryAccess,
        PayrollKey : tuple.hasPayrolAccess

func deserializeDictionary(dictionary: AccessDictionary) -> AccessTuple {
    return AccessTuple(
        dictionary[InventoryKey] as Bool!,
        dictionary[PayrollKey] as Bool!


# Encoding / Decoding

var accessLavels: AccessTuple = (hasInventoryAccess: true, hasPayrolAccess: false)

// Writing to defaults
let accessLevelDictionary = serializeTuple(accessLavels)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(accessLevelDictionary, forKey: "AccessLevelKey")

// Reading from defaults
let accessDic = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().dictionaryForKey("AccessLevelKey") as AccessDictionary
let accessLev = deserializeDictionary(accessDic)

这篇关于在 NSUserDefaults 中保存一个元组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:在 NSUserDefaults 中保存一个元组
