如何在 iphone 应用程序中实现 activesync 协议?

How do I implement activesync protocol in iphone app?(如何在 iphone 应用程序中实现 activesync 协议?)

本文介绍了如何在 iphone 应用程序中实现 activesync 协议?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在 iphone 应用中实现 activesync 协议?任何建议、任何文档和教程都很好.

How do I implement activesync protocol in iphone app? Any advice, any docs and tutorials are well come.

我已阅读 从苹果交换 ActiveSync 和 iOS 4 设备.有这方面的真实文档吗?

I have read the Exchange ActiveSync and iOS 4 Devices from apple. Is there any real docs for this?


编写一个通过exchange active sync进行通信的应用程序很难,但并非不可能.Jons 答案中的 Exchange Server Protocols 链接包含一个名为 MS-ASWBXML 的文档.您必须自己为 wbxml 编写编码器,并且文档清楚地描述了需求.另外我强烈推荐这个文档:http://www.w3.org/TR/wbxml/

It is hard, but not impossible to write an app which communicates via exchange active sync. The link to the Exchange Server Protocols in Jons answer contains a document named MS-ASWBXML. You have to write an encoder for wbxml on your own and the document describes clearly the needs. Additionaly I recommend strongly this document: http://www.w3.org/TR/wbxml/

如果底层工作,你必须在top ob wbxml上实现EAS-protocol,这不是小事,因为文档中的错误,不同协议版本的不同行为.需要大量尝试才能检查错误,为什么交换服务器不理解您的请求 ;-)

If the low level is working, you have to implement the EAS-protocol on top ob wbxml, which is not trivial, because of bugs in the documentation, different behaviour of different protocol versions. It will be a lot of trial an error to examine, why the exchange server does not understand your requests ;-)

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本文标题为:如何在 iphone 应用程序中实现 activesync 协议?
