how to change the image automatically in view pager when it reaches the last image it should come to the first image automatically(如何在视图寻呼机中自动更改图像,当它到达最后一张图像时,它应该自动到达第一张图像)
我现在正在实现视图寻呼机,我想在特定的时间段内不断地自动更改图像,可能是每 5 毫秒一次.
I am now implementing the view pager and i want to continuously change the image one by one automatically for a particular periods of time may be once in 5 ms .
I also have to manually allow the user to swipe the images (it is working properly)
But the image is not automatically changing and when it reaches the last image it should come to the first image automatically
final Handler handler = new Handler();
final Runnable Update = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (currentPage == strImages.length-1) {
currentPage = 0;
intro_images.setCurrentItem(currentPage++, true);
timer = new Timer(); // This will create a new Thread
timer .schedule(new TimerTask() { // task to be scheduled
public void run() {;
}, 500, 3000);
I used above code but it does not work properly
试试这个添加 addOnPageChangeListener
到你的 viewPager
try this add addOnPageChangeListener
to your viewPager
like this
viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
if (position == strImages.length-1) {
currentPage = 0;
intro_images.setCurrentItem(currentPage++, true);
public void onPageSelected(int position) {
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
Timer timer;
timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new RemindTask(), 0, 3000); // delay*/
private class RemindTask extends TimerTask {
int current = viewPager.getCurrentItem();
public void run() {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (current < strImages.size()) {
current += 1;
} else {
current = 0;
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