SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment 的 OnPlaceSelectedListener 未触发

OnPlaceSelectedListener of SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment not fired(SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment 的 OnPlaceSelectedListener 未触发)

本文介绍了SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment 的 OnPlaceSelectedListener 未触发的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragmentOnPlaceSelectedListener 方法有问题.

我的 onViewCreated() 方法:

public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

    // Initialise a new fragment inside of this one.
    mFragmentManager = getChildFragmentManager();
    mSupportMapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("mapFragment");
    mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment = (SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment) mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("autocompleteFragment");

    // Never inflate fragments inside other fragments in a layout.xml!
    // Do it programmatically.
    // See here for reference:
    if (mSupportMapFragment == null) {
        mSupportMapFragment = new SupportMapFragment();
        fragmentTransaction(mFragmentManager, mSupportMapFragment,, "mapFragment");

    // Asynchronous thread to load map.

    if (mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment == null) {
        mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment = new SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment();
        fragmentTransaction(mFragmentManager, mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment,, "autocompleteFragment");

    // Filter for a specific place type.
    AutocompleteFilter typeFilter = new AutocompleteFilter.Builder()

    Log.d("I'M HERE", "Hello.");

    mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment.setOnPlaceSelectedListener(new PlaceSelectionListener() {
        public void onPlaceSelected(Place place) {
            // TODO: Get info about the selected place.
            Log.i("PLACE", "Place: " + place.getName());
            int flag = 1;
            Log.d("FLAG", "flag: " + flag);

        public void onError(Status status) {
            // TODO: Handle the error.
            Log.i("PLACE_ERROR", "An error occurred: " + status);
            int flag = 0;
            Log.d("FLAG", "flag: " + flag);

    Log.d("I'M HERE, TOO", "Hello.");


当我选择一个地点(所有 API 都已启用并且我有一个 Google 密钥)时,AutoCompleteFragment 刚刚关闭,地图上没有任何反应.mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment.setOnPlaceSelectedListener(...) 方法未被触发.

When I select a place (all the APIs are enabled and I've a Google Key), the AutoCompleteFragment just closed and nothing happens on the map. The mSupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment.setOnPlaceSelectedListener(...) method is not being fired.


我的问题类似于 this question 中的问题.

My problem is similar to the one in this question.

我也在使用嵌套片段,我无法理解在这种情况下如何查看 onActivityResult() 方法.

I'm using nested fragments, too and I can't understand how to see the onActivityResult() method in this case.



Finally solved this problem: hope it will help someone.

我在我的 MainActivity 的 onActivityResult() 方法中添加了这条臭名昭著的行

I added this infamous line in the onActivityResult() method in my MainActivity

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


然后确实在我的 MapFragment 中放入了相同的方法

and then did put the same method in my MapFragment

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


Now the nested fragment is sending back its data.

这篇关于SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment 的 OnPlaceSelectedListener 未触发的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment 的 OnPlaceSelectedListener 未触发
