在 OnTouch 中返回真假?

Returning true and false in OnTouch?(在 OnTouch 中返回真假?)

本文介绍了在 OnTouch 中返回真假?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如果我在 OnTouchListeneronTouch() 中返回 truefalse 有关系吗?在此示例中,我看不出返回 truefalse 之间有任何区别:Android 滑动列表

Does it matter if i return true or false in onTouch() of an OnTouchListener? I can't see any difference between returning true or false in this example: Android Swipe on List



The return value determines if you consumed the touch event.

换句话说,true 意味着这个触摸事件对你很感兴趣,并且所有后续调用这个触摸事件,如 ACTION_MOVEACTION_UP将交付给您.

In other words true means that this touch event is interesting to you and all follow up calls of this touch event like ACTION_MOVE or ACTION_UP will be delivered to you.

如果您返回 false,则触摸事件将被传递到视图层次结构中更靠前的下一个 View,您将不会收到任何后续调用.触摸事件将继续向上传递到视图层次结构,直到有人使用它.

If you return false than the touch event will be passed to the next View further up in the view hierarchy and you will receive no follow up calls. The touch event will continue to be passed further up the view hierarchy until someone consumes it.


If you have any further questions please feel free to ask!

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