Android:从软键盘中删除 Enter 键

Android: Remove Enter Key from softkeyboard(Android:从软键盘中删除 Enter 键)

本文介绍了Android:从软键盘中删除 Enter 键的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我的登录表单中,当用户单击 EditText 并按下回车键时,这会插入一个新行,因此会增加 EditText 的大小.下一刻,它返回到之前的位置并在密码字段(即下一个字段)中打印一个点.

In my login form when user clicks on an EditText and presses the enter key, this inserts a new line, therefore increasing the EditText's size. Next moment, it returns to its previous place and prints a dot in the password field (which is the next field).


I want to remove this enter key from the softkeyboard. Is it possible?



I am afraid you can't do this. But one thing is you can handle the softkeyboard keyevents like this,

edittext.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() {

        public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

                if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
                        && event.getKeyCode() ==       KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) {
                    Log.i("event", "captured");

                    return false;
                else if(event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
                        && event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK){
                    Log.i("Back event Trigered","Back event");



            return false;

除此之外,您必须注意,提供属性 android:singleLine=true 将使您的编辑文本在按下软键盘 ENTER 时变大

Apart from this, you have to note that providing the attribute android:singleLine=true will make your edittext from growing in size when the soft keyborad ENTER is pressed

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