UIButton - 文本被截断

UIButton - text truncated(UIButton - 文本被截断)

本文介绍了UIButton - 文本被截断的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用 Interface Builder (Xcode 4) 创建了一个宽 UIButton,添加了一个 5 字符的虚拟标题(例如 Click),然后以编程方式更改了标题文本.

I've created a wide UIButton with Interface Builder (Xcode 4), added in a dummy 5 character title (e.g. Click) and then changed the title text programmatically later.


Odd thing is the width of the title text seems to remain the same so, if I use a longer piece of text (e.g. "Now click here"), it appears like this: "N...e"


更新:如果我在 IB 中使用一长串文本,它会居中.但是,一旦我以编程方式更改此文本,它就会显示为左对齐!

UPDATE: If I use a long line of text in IB it's centred. However, once I've programmatically-changed this text it appears left-aligned!



[self.myButton setTitle:@"Correct New Title" forState:UIControlStateNormal];

因为这将正确更新按钮标签的大小和位置.仅使用 self.myButton.titleLabel.text = @"Wrong New Title"; 设置标题不会.

as this will correctly update the size and position of the buttons label. Where as just setting the title with self.myButton.titleLabel.text = @"Wrong New Title"; will not.

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本文标题为:UIButton - 文本被截断
