Conditional Compilation in assembler (.s) code for iPhone - how?(iPhone的汇编程序(.s)代码中的条件编译 - 如何?)
I have a few lines of assembler arm code in an .s file. Just a few routines i need to call. It works fine when building for the device, however when i switch to iPhone Simulator i get "no such instruction" errors. I tried to compile parts of the .s file conditionally with what i know:
But the assembler doesn't recognize these preprocessor directives (of course) and none of the conditional compilation techniques for assembler that i could remember or find worked, so i'm scratching my head now on how to avoid compilation of that assembler code when building for the Simulator. I also don't see a project option in Xcode that would allow me to compile the file or not depending on the target platform.
All i was missing was the proper #import in the assembler file. I did not think of adding it because Xcode syntax highlighted any preprocessor directive in green (comment) which made me assume that these commands are not recognized when in fact they work just fine.
This works:
#import "TargetConditionals.h"
... asm code here ...
You do do it with a pre-processor macro. They are defined in TargetConditionals.h TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR
should be there! (You do need to #include it however.)
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本文标题为:iPhone的汇编程序(.s)代码中的条件编译 - 如何?

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