Android : Capturing HTTP Requests with non-rooted android device(Android : 使用非 root 的 android 设备捕获 HTTP 请求)
我有一个使用第三方 jar 的 android 应用程序.应用程序运行时,从第三方 jar 向服务器发送 Http 请求.我需要捕获从第三方 jar 发送的 HTTP 请求.我想知道是否有一种简单的方法可以使用 非 root 设备
I have an android application which uses a third party jar in it. Http request is sent from third party jar to server when application is running. I need to capture HTTP Request that is sent from third party jar. I am wondering if there is an easy way to implement with non-rooted device
启动:我尝试下载proxyDroid",但它需要植根手机我也试过用shark reader"下载shark for root",它也需要root设备我尝试了许多其他可以捕获完整请求的应用程序,但它只需要根设备
To start up : I tried downloading "proxyDroid" but it need rooted phone I have also tried downloading "shark for root" with "shark reader" which also need rooted device I tried many other applications which could capture the complete request but all it need is rooted device
我需要 fiddler/wireshark 可以为 windows 做的事情.一个网络数据包分析器,可以很容易地与 android 应用程序集成,它可以提供包含所有头字段的请求对象.
I need something what fiddler/wireshark can do for windows. A network packet analyzer which could be easily integrated with android application that could give request object with all header fields in it.
你可以安装 Charles - 一个 HTTP代理/HTTP 监视器/反向代理,使开发人员能够在您的 PC 或 MAC 上查看他们的机器和 Internet 之间的所有 HTTP 和 SSL/HTTPS 流量.
You could install Charles - an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet - on your PC or MAC.
- 让您的手机和 PC 或 MAC 在同一个局域网中
- 启动您安装的 Charles(默认代理端口为 8888)
- 设置手机的wifi配置:将delegate的ip设置为您的PC或MAC的ip,delegate的端口设置为8888
- 在手机中启动您的应用.并监控 Charles 上的 http 请求.
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