Force landscape for one view controller ios(一个视图控制器ios的强制横向)
I've looked at several answers to questions similar but none of the answer worked. I have an app where I need everything portait except for one photo viewer I have. In the supported orientations section of the targets menu I only have portrait. How do I force my one view to be landscape. It is being pushed onto the stack from a nav controller but I'm using storyboards to control all that.
由于答案似乎隐藏在问题的评论中,并且由于 ArunMak 的答案相当混乱,所以我将提供我发现的内容:
Since the answer seems to be hidden in the comments of the question and since ArunMak's answer is quite confusing, I'll just offer what I found out:
我所要做的就是将此函数添加到视图的自定义 UIViewController 子类中:
All I had to do was to add this function to my custom UIViewController subclass for the view:
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
// iPad: Allow all orientations
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;
} else {
// iPhone: Allow only landscape
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape;
请注意,该项目需要允许所有方向(即:纵向、左侧横向、右侧横向 - 但在 iPhone 上切勿颠倒!).
Note that the project needs to allow all orientations (that is: Portrait, Landscape Left, Landscape Right - but NEVER Upside Down on an iPhone!).
如果您想将部分或大部分视图限制为 Portrait,则需要在每个视图控制器中实现上述方法(或为其使用公共超类并从其子类化所有其他视图)——如果您限制 DeviceInfo.plist 中的方向只是纵向,应用程序永远不会考虑进入横向.
If you want to limit some or most views to Portrait, you need to implement the above method in every of those view controllers (or use a common super class for it and subclass all others from it) — if you limit the Device Orientation in the Info.plist to just Portrait, the app will never even think of going into landscape.
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