如何从 UINavigationController 弹出视图并在一次操作中将其替换为另一个视图?

How can I pop a view from a UINavigationController and replace it with another in one operation?(如何从 UINavigationController 弹出视图并在一次操作中将其替换为另一个视图?)

本文介绍了如何从 UINavigationController 弹出视图并在一次操作中将其替换为另一个视图?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个应用程序,我需要从 UINavigationController 的堆栈中删除一个视图并将其替换为另一个视图.情况是第一个视图创建了一个可编辑的项目,然后用该项目的编辑器替换了它自己.当我在第一个视图中做明显的解决方案时:

I have an application where I need to remove one view from the stack of a UINavigationController and replace it with another. The situation is that the first view creates an editable item and then replaces itself with an editor for the item. When I do the obvious solution within the first view:

MyEditViewController *mevc = [[MYEditViewController alloc] initWithGizmo: gizmo];

[self retain];
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated: NO];
[self.navigationController pushViewController: mevc animated: YES];
[self release];


I get very strange behavior. Usually the editor view will appear, but if I try to use the back button on the nav bar I get extra screens, some blank, and some just screwed up. The title becomes random too. It is like the nav stack is completely hosed.


What would be a better approach to this problem?



我发现你根本不需要手动弄乱 viewControllers 属性.基本上有两件棘手的事情.

I've discovered you don't need to manually mess with the viewControllers property at all. Basically there are 2 tricky things about this.

    如果 self 当前不在导航控制器的堆栈中,
  1. self.navigationController 将返回 nil.因此,在您无法访问之前将其保存到局部变量中.
  2. 你必须retain(并且正确地release)self,否则拥有你所在方法的对象将被释放,导致奇怪.
  1. self.navigationController will return nil if self is not currently on the navigation controller's stack. So save it to a local variable before you lose access to it.
  2. You must retain (and properly release) self or the object who owns the method you are in will be deallocated, causing strangeness.


Once you do that prep, then just pop and push as normal. This code will instantly replace the top controller with another.

// locally store the navigation controller since
// self.navigationController will be nil once we are popped
UINavigationController *navController = self.navigationController;

// retain ourselves so that the controller will still exist once it's popped off
[[self retain] autorelease];

// Pop this controller and replace with another
[navController popViewControllerAnimated:NO];
[navController pushViewController:someViewController animated:NO];

在最后一行中,如果您将 animated 更改为 YES,那么新屏幕将实际动画化,而您刚刚弹出的控制器将动画化.看起来不错!

In that last line if you change the animated to YES, then the new screen will actually animate in and the controller you just popped will animate out. Looks pretty nice!

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本文标题为:如何从 UINavigationController 弹出视图并在一次操作中将其替换为另一个视图?
