
IOS Static Framework with resources inside(IOS静态框架,里面有资源)




I'm trying to create a framework that keeps some common code I use around in my projects. I found online tutorials and managed to create a framework but I still have one problem related to resources (xibs, images, etc).

假设我有一个 MainViewController.xib,它有一个使用 test.pngUIImageView.所有这些都在我的框架包中.

Let's say I have a MainViewController.xib which has a UIImageView using a test.png. All these are in my framework package.

当我在另一个项目中使用该框架时,我将其添加到复制捆绑资源"构建阶段.问题是 xib 只能使用 dummy.framework/Resources/MainViewController.xib 之类的路径访问,而里面的 UIImageView 无法加载 test.png.

When I use the framework in another project, I add it to the "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase. The problem is that the xib is only accessible using a path like dummy.framework/Resources/MainViewController.xib and the UIImageView inside can't load test.png.

UIImageView 似乎会尝试从包的根目录加载 png,而不是从也存储 xib 的相对文件夹中加载.

It seems that the UIImageView will try to load the png from the root of the bundle, and not from the relative folder where the xib is also stored.


Has anybody managed to create a framework with code and resources and use it in another project?



当您编译应用程序时,会使用主"项目的资源生成捆绑包,忽略链接框架中的资源.这包括图像、xib、plist 等(任何非源文件)

When you compile the app, the bundle is generated with the resources of the "main" project, ignoring the resources in linked frameworks. This includes images, xib's, plist's, etc. (anything that isn't a source file)


What you need to do is add those resources to your main project so that they are available for use inside your application, not the happiest way around it but it'll work.


