Eclipse 64 位 - Android 虚拟设备管理器无法创建 SD 卡

Eclipse 64-bit - Android Virtual Device Manager Failed to create SD card(Eclipse 64 位 - Android 虚拟设备管理器无法创建 SD 卡)

本文介绍了Eclipse 64 位 - Android 虚拟设备管理器无法创建 SD 卡的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在运行 64 位的 Windows 7 和 64 位的 Eclipse,并安装了最新的 ADT 插件和 Android ADK.全部按照 Android SDK 网站上的说明安装.

I am running Windows 7 64-bit and Eclipse also 64-bit with the latest ADT plugin installed and the Android ADK. All installed as instructed on the Android SDK site.

当我尝试创建新的 AVD 时,我收到以下消息.

When I try to create a new AVD I get the following messages.

[日期 *Time* - SDK Manager] 未能创建 SD 卡.[日期 *Time* - SDK Manager] 无法在 AVD 文件夹中创建 sdcard.

[Date *Time* - SDK Manager] Failed to create the SD card. [Date *Time* - SDK Manager] Failed to create sdcard in the AVD folder.

我尝试过不同尺寸的 SD 卡,认为这可能与存储空间分配有关,但似乎并非如此,因为我的硬盘驱动器还有很多空间.考虑到我的帐户拥有管理员权限,它也不应该是不能创建文件夹.我真的不知道这里出了什么问题,我所能找到的只是 Ubuntu 上的帖子,没有太大帮助.

I have tried different SD card sizes thinking It may be something to do with storage space allocation but that doesn't seem to be the case as my hard-drive has a lot of space left. Considering I have admin rights on my account it shouldn't be that it can't create a folder either. I really have no idea what is going wrong here and all I have been able to find on this are post on Ubuntu, which haven't been much help.



Go to the following directory in your computer:



在此目录中,您将找到所有文件和目录,其中包含您的 avd 机器的定义和内容-

Inside this directory you will find all files and directories with the definition and content of your avd machines-


Now do the basic troubleshooting steps:

-检查 avd 目录是否存在以及是否包含名为sdcard.img"的文件.

-check if the avd directory exists and if it contains a file with the name "sdcard.img".


-if the file exists, try to rename it (to check if its locked) and then go to eclipse and ask to create a new sd card.


-if it fails, try to create manualy a file with that name to check premissions.


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