
Evenly space multiple views within a container view(在容器视图中均匀分布多个视图)




Auto Layout is making my life difficult. In theory, it was going to be really useful when I switched, but I seem to fight it all of the time.


I've made a demo project to try to find help. Does anyone know how to make the spaces between views increase or decrease evenly whenever the view is resized?


Here are three labels (manually spaced vertically even):


What I want is for them to resize their spacing (not the view size) evenly when I rotate. By default, the top and bottom views squish towards the center:



So my approach allows you to do this in interface builder. What you do is create 'spacer views' that you have set to match heights equally. Then add top and bottom constraints to the labels (see the screenshot).

更具体地说,我对Spacer View 1"有一个最高限制,以 superview 的高度约束低于 1000 的优先级并且高度等于所有其他spacer 视图".Spacer View 4"对超级视图有底部空间限制.每个标签对其最近的间隔视图"都有各自的顶部和底部约束.

More specifically, I have a top constraint on 'Spacer View 1' to superview with a height constraint of lower priority than 1000 and with Height Equals to all of the other 'spacer views'. 'Spacer View 4' has a bottom space constraint to superview. Each label has a respective top and bottom constraints to its nearest 'spacer views'.

注意:请确保您的标签上没有额外的顶部/​​底部空间限制以进行超级视图;只是空间视图"的那些.这将是可以满足的,因为顶部和底部约束分别在Space View 1"和Spacer View 4"上.

Note: Be sure you DON'T have extra top/bottom space constraints on your labels to superview; just the ones to the 'space views'. This will be satisfiable since the top and bottom constraints are on 'Space View 1' and 'Spacer View 4' respectively.

Duh 1:我复制了我的视图,只是将其置于横向模式,以便您可以看到它有效.

Duh 1: I duplicated my view and merely put it in landscape mode so you could see that it worked.

Duh 2:间隔视图"可能是透明的.

Duh 2: The 'spacer views' could have been transparent.

Duh 3:这种方法可以横向应用.

Duh 3: This approach could be applied horizontally.


