upload picture to emulator gallery(将图片上传到模拟器库)
我想在模拟器的图库中添加图片.但我无法做到这一点.这个怎么做?任何线索!虽然我已经完成了在 stack over flow 中发布的答案,但没有获得成功.
I want to add picture in emulator's gallery. But i am not able to do this. How to do this? any clue! Though i have gone through a answer posted in stack over flow but didn't get success with that answer.
检查 this 一旦你的模拟器中有一个虚拟 SD 卡,如果你对 mtools
不满意,或者你不知道如何在 Linux 上挂载环回设备(这真的很简单顺便说一句),只需使用 adb push
Check this Once you have a virtual SD card in your emulator, if you're not comfortable with mtools
or if you don't know how to mount a loopback device on Linux (which is really easy by the way), just use adb push
to upload your images. Possible example:
adb shell mkdir /sdcard/Pictures
adb push mypic.jpg /sdcard/Pictures

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