
Exclude assets for release build type(排除发布构建类型的资产)



我正在使用 gradle 构建的应用程序中导入一个 android 库,如下所示:

I'm importing an android library in an application built with gradle, like that:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.example:great-lib:0.1-SNAPSHOT'

此库仅包含要在 webview 中使用的资产、js、css 和图像,布局如下:

This library contains only assets, js, css and images to be used in a webview, with a layout like that:

|-> great.css
|-> great.min.js
|-> great.min.js.map
|-> js/
|   |-> plop.js
|   |-> foo.js
|   ...
|-> img/
|   ...

js 文件夹包含源文件(用于源映射).我想在调试版本中包含它和 .map 文件,并且在发布版本中只有缩小的 js,但我找不到这样做的方法.

The js folder contains source files (to be used with source maps). I would like to include it and the .map file for the debug builds, and have only the minified js in release builds, but I can't find a way to do that.


So far I've tried : 

android {
    // this doesn't exclude anything
    packageOptions {
        exclude 'assets/js'
    buildTypes {
        release {
            // this does exclude the js folder, but in both release and debug
            aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern "!js"


Any idea if what I want is possible to achieve, and if so how?


(I've also thought of publishing two versions of the library (great-lib and great-lib-debug), and have the dependency in debugCompile and releaseCompile, but I'd prefer avoiding that and publishing a single version)



android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->

  if (variant.name.contains('Release')) {
    // exclude source and sourcemap from release builds
    def noJsSourceTask = task("delete${variant.name}JsSource", type: Delete) {
      delete "${buildDir}/intermediates/assets/${variant.dirName}/js"
      delete "${buildDir}/intermediates/assets/${variant.dirName}/great.min.js.map"
    variant.mergeAssets.finalizedBy noCeJsSourceTask


It works ok, but there are a few things I don't really like:

  • 我正在处理任务完成后生成的文件(finalizedBy),因此它不适用于最新"检查.但这仅适用于发布版本,我更频繁地进行调试
  • 要删除的文件的路径是手动构建的.我不确定它是否足够通用,可以按原样在其他项目中重用
  • 我根据它们的名称选择变体.我会喜欢更有条理的东西.
  • I'm touching at the files produced by a task after it is done (the finalizedBy), so it doesn't work well with "up-to-date" checking. But it's only for release builds, I'm doing debug ones more often
  • the path of the files to delete is manually built. I'm not sure if it's generic enough to be reused in other projects as-is
  • I'm selecting the variants based on their name. I would have liked something more structured.


